Doug TenNapel on the Quran burning.

Sep 09, 2010 12:51

Just thought I would share what Mr. Doug TenNapel has had to say about the Quran burnings, among other things (link is time-sensitive, of course, and probably won't make much sense in this context even a week or two from now). For the most part, it's not very pretty, in my opinion. (EDIT) And it now looks like he's deleted all of the tweets in question, so you won't see them even if you scroll backward on his Twitter timeline. And nothing of value was lost. (/EDIT)

I started following him on Twitter because, well, I thought he was a pretty cool guy, which is why I started following any of the others that I currently follow on Twitter.

But then, I started reading his tweets. *weary sigh* Yeah, I'm considering unfollowing him (or whatever the proper term for that is), but I think I'll keep him on, at least for the time being. (If nothing else, I morbidly enjoy the smug sense of superiority it instills in me when I read crap like that. *shrug*) I finally got fed up with him and unfollowed him after all.

Why do I post this? Just to give an example of what one of the "other side" happens to think about this whole mess.

(Oh, and for what it's worth, Pastor Terry Jones himself apparently also has a brand spanking new Twitter account now. I most certainly will NOT be following him. (EDIT) Though here is a tweet by him that is a retweet of one of the aforementioned dumbass tweets originally made by Doug TenNapel, mentioned above, that are no longer available on TenNapel's own Twitter. I will copy and paste said tweet here so that it will be preserved for all time, just in case Jones's Twitter also gets deleted: "RT @TenNapel: President telling a church they shouldn't burn a Quran is no different than a school teacher saying class should accept Jesus" Yeah, and that was one of TenNapel's milder ones. (/EDIT)

One of Pastor Jones's pearls of fundie wisdom: "Said by a true Muslim RT @ BarackObama: Burning a Quran is contrary to our values...")


For what it's worth, on the whole, I still think Doug TenNapel is a pretty cool guy. Well, at least, I think he's made some pretty cool stuff in his time. I'm not going to let the fact that I vehemently disagree with his politics prevent me from enjoying his work, at least as long as he doesn't sully up his work with his politics.

It's similar to the whole Orson Scott Card/Shadow Complex thing from a while back. Just because Orson Scott Card has completely wrong-headed, prehistoric views on homosexuality, that doesn't make Shadow Complex any less awesome a game (especially given that Card's views have little to do with the game, aside from maybe the liberals-as-terrorists thing).


quran burning, twitter, politics, religion

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