Look, I've said this before and I'm going to keep right on saying it. I don't care if it's Diablo 3 or Darkspore or Joe Random's Video Game That Nobody Will Ever Actually Play, and I don't care if the game is
down for nine days or it ends up working absolutely flawlessly for every second of every day. Unless the game is a persistent MMO, it is absolutely retarded to require that the game always be connected to the Internet, especially for any single-player portions of the game. It doesn't matter how much or how little downtime there is or how well it works or doesn't work. It shouldn't be there at all to begin with. Period. Why is this such a
"surprising" concept for developers/publishers to understand? Or, rather, why must their abject greed outweigh their common sense in cases such as this?
Honestly, I really hope Diablo 3 does have (
more) problems up the wazoo with its always online crap, just as Darkspore did. And I hope that the gamers who have actually bought into this crap for whatever dumbass reasons will finally get it through their collectively thick skulls that it is not a good idea, it was never a good idea, and it will never be a good idea, I don't care what kind of bullshit some PR goon has been spoon-feeding to them. And I really truly hope the publishers/developers will finally come to their senses and stop doing this. I won't hold my breath on either account, however.