"Capcom has no problem with on-disc downloadable content, according to a company statement obtained by CinemaBlend." Yeah, and I have no problem never buying another Capcom game ever again either, so I guess we're square then?
"'While Capcom is sorry that some of its fans are not happy about the chosen method of delivery for the DLC, we believe that this method will provide more flexible and efficient gameplay throughout the game's lifecycle,' reads the statement."
Uh, how is it more flexible when it's burned onto the disc? You know this isn't Bizzaro World don't you, Capcom?
"'There is effectively no distinction between the DLC being "locked" behind the disc and available for unlocking at a later date, or being available through a full download at a later date, other than delivery mechanism. We hope that this addresses [censored]" concerns.'"
Uh, yeah, there kind of is a difference. The difference is that your shit is already on the disc being sold for $60, and thus is not extra Downloadable Content. Are you retarded? Seriously?
Then again, maybe their point is that the content was completed before the game was shipped (and thus should have been part of the full game at release, rather than something for them to nickle-and-dime players with after the fact, but I digress). In that sense then, no, there really isn't much of a difference if they were already on the disc or not, I guess. *shrug*
That's no less retarded, mind you.