this sort of thing is great and all, it's bad that it has gotten to the point in the video game industry that this is even a thing that is newsworthy at all, let alone something to be lauded (by both the article itself and people in the comments below). This kind of thing should simply be taken for granted as standard behavior across the board, but sadly it is not. Basically, to restate what I'm saying here, CD Projekt Red is doing what is essentially the bare minimum of what all of those who make video games should be doing, but because most of those others don't do this, those that do, like CD Projekt Red here, get treated as going above and beyond in their duties to the customer. It's certainly not a bad thing that CD Projekt Red doing this, obviously, and I'm glad it's getting highlighted, because if nothing else, it could potentially shame at least a few of those others who don't already do this into reevaluating themselves and how they do things (assuming, of course, they give a shit at all, which most of them don't seem to).