Link to article via
tokoz via Facebook (which I won't link to here since it's a friends-only post).
(EDIT) The only Apple product I have on my computer at the moment is
QuickTime. Actually, I just uninstalled that as well, since I don't want anything at all to do with Apple, after this. (/EDIT) Every time the updater thing used to pop up and nag me to install
iTunes and such shit as well, whenever it updated QuickTime, I'd always just roll my eyes and uncheck it. Man am I so glad I did that now, and didn't actually let it install that malware.
"For about ten years, I've been warning people, 'hang onto your media. One day, you won't buy a movie. You'll buy the right to watch a movie, and that movie will be served to you. If the companies serving the movie don't want you to see it, or they want to change something, they will have the power to do so. They can alter history, and they can make you keep paying for things that you formerly could have bought. Information will be a utility rather than a possession. Even information that you yourself have created will require unending, recurring payments just to access.'
"When giving the above warning, however, even in my most Orwellian paranoia I never could have dreamed that the content holders, like Apple, would also reach into your computer and take away what you already owned. If Taxi Driver is on Netflix, Netflix doesn’t come to your house and steal your Taxi Driver DVD. But that's where we're headed. When it comes to music, Apple is already there."
Fuck Apple, super-duper hard.