Follow up to the previous post about James Rolfe's "Ghostbusters 2016" video

May 17, 2016 20:06

Man, a lot of people sure are angry that James Rolfe ( @cinemassacre) said he wasn't going to go see a potentially shitty movie. *eye roll*
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

Hell, I wish *more* people had the resolve to not go see shitty movies, rather than seeing them and then whining about it ad nauseam.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

Again I figure the main reason he even released that video was to stave off all the requests he'd otherwise be constantly getting to see it.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

But now there're a bunch of assholes laughably trying to claim that James Rolfe is sexist or antifeminist or whatever because of it. Please.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

That said, though, a bunch of the replies to Patton Oswalt's (asinine) tweet about James's video are pretty fucking disgusting themselves.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

Just like how a bunch of the comments under the video itself are full of that MRA/meninist "durr feminism bad SJWs suck" horseshit.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

For me, it's kinda one of those situations where I feel the need to post the xkcd "Atheists" comic.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

The important thing is that I've found a way... yadda yadda blah blah. Both sides are pretty ludicrous, in this case.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

I.e. the side calling James Rolfe sexist, and the side that is the part of James Rolfe's fanbase which is actually disgusting and terrible.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

In any event, I have no interest in the new Ghostbusters movie, because it looks like it's going to be shit. It might not be, but the...
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

...trailer doesn't look good. And I think that's pretty much all that James Rolfe was saying, too. No misogyny or whatever to be found.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 17, 2016

And hell, I wouldn't even be mad if James were to change his mind later and decide that he did want to see it and review it after all.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) May 18, 2016

So yeah, this post is a follow up to my previous post. For reference, here is the tweet by Patton Oswalt (which was retweeted by James Rolfe's friend Mike Matei) which apparently started the whole brouhaha, the full text for which (in case it later gets deleted) was: "I really wanted to hate this Cinemassacre GHOSTBUSTERS review but I'm such a fan of noisy, thick-saliva swallowing it won my heart." It was a really fucking dumb thing to say, of course, what with it being an infantile ad hominem attack and all that, but then all the shitheads awkwardly trying (and failing) to defend James by showing up and saying disgusting things about Oswalt's recently deceased wife were even worse. And, of course, that's when all the people trying to defend Patton Oswalt showed up to crow about how sexist and misogynist and anti-feminist or whatever James Rolfe supposedly is (probably without even bothering to watch James's video beforehand), just because James had the audacity to say he doesn't want to go see what he thinks (and I agree) will probably be a piece of crap movie. It's just a vile shit show all around.

(EDIT) Oh, and I forgot to mention all the attacks that have been targeted toward James Rolfe's wife (not James Rolfe himself, but his wife) over this stupid fucking dogshit. Such as claims that she's just a "gold digger," because really why could any woman possibly actually love such a "sexist," "misogynist," yadda yadda, blah blah. (/EDIT)

For what little it's worth, I had only the vaguest of vague notions who the fuck Patton Oswalt was, prior to this, and now I have even less interest than the none at all I had before in ever watching or otherwise having anything to do with anything Mr. Oswalt has ever been involved with. *shrug*

(And thus ends another cycle of me making LJ posts about tweets about LJ posts about tweets, and so on and so forth and all that. [EDIT] Oh wait, here's one more. [/EDIT])

ghostbusters, movies, internet, cinemassacre, twitter, nubusters, rant

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