Was playing Path of Exile, and it was great... right up until the 82 minute mark, when I got randomly disconnected for no apparent reason.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
August 30, 2016 I immediately quit the game and uninstalled, and will never play it again. This is why "singleplayer" games should have an offline option.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
August 30, 2016 Seriously, fuck this online-only-even-for-singleplayer bullshit. Oh well, I got what I paid for at least, I suppose.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
August 30, 2016 I guess I should just be grateful the first random disconnect happened as soon as it did, before I had invested too much time into the game.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
August 30, 2016 Up to that point, it was shaping up to be the next big game that I'd have sunken many hours into, but that disconnect killed *all* interest.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
August 30, 2016 This is the game I'm talking about. It's free to play (with a microtransaction store that I had absolutely zero intention of ever using), so if you want to give it a shot, you'll lose nothing except time (82 minutes in my case). Like I said above, the game was shaping up to be an amazing experience... but then I got
randomly disconnected from the server for no apparent reason and was booted out to the main menu, and when I logged back in I was in the town hub. This utterly annihilated any and all interest I have in ever trying this game again.
Seriously, FUCK this online-only horseshit to hell and back and then to hell again, where it should forever remain, since that's where it came from to start with. This is why I never bought and will never buy
Diablo III. But I thought I'd at least give Path of Exile a chance, given that it was free and I'd heard good things about it. If it had an offline option, I actually might be willing to pay money for it, given that what I did play of it was pretty great. But if I can only play online, with the ever looming threat of being randomly disconnected and booted out of the game for no good reason, then Path of Exile can fuck off and die for all I care.