"Now I'm going to talk about the dream I had. There were five of us. There was an older woman who sort of looked like Sarah Palin but who spoke with a British accent. There was an older guy who sort of looked like George Lucas, kind of fat, with a bushy black beard and bushy black hair flecked with gray. There was a black guy, a teen who sort of looked like that Araya dude from that Mystery Hunters show. And lastly (aside from me) there was a girl named Heather. She was the only one with a name that I recall. She looked kind of like Kristen Stewart or Katie Holmes*, but she was a lot younger, around 13 or so. All of us were part of this spy organization. The two older ones were training the rest of us."
(Header note: "* - Some starlet actress or another like that, anyway.")
"We had a mission. British Palin and Lucas (not their names, but what I'm calling them since they didn't have names in the dream or at least I don't recall them now) waited in the parking lot of some high school, which was our target, in their respective vehicles. British Palin was driving a Rolls Royce or some other kind of fancy pants expensive car. Lucas was in a black A-Team style van. So the three trainees, me, Heather, and Araya (not his name but what I'm calling him here) infiltrated this high school. We were looking for something that I can't recall now, and I know I wasn't the one who found it. I was looking around in the hallway when I heard a commotion coming from one of the classrooms. Heather had apparently gotten her hands on a katana and was using it to destroy the top of the table she was sitting at. She was quickly restrained and taken from the room, leaving behind the sword. But I knew the mission, whatever it was, had been accomplished with the destruction of the table. Araya went in to retrieve the katana while I stayed in the hallway, near the principal's office where they were loudly trying to interrogate Heather. Araya came out with the katana, brandishing it wildly to keep everyone away, while he made his escape. I was trying to think of a way to rescue Heather, but they suddenly just let her go. I walked with her back to the parking lot*, but she was distraught and ran ahead."
(Header note: "* - And I was feeling really protective of her, maybe overly so, almost fatherly in a way.")
"When I got to British Palin's car, Heather was in the front seat next to British Palin, and there were three or four teenage boys in the backseat. Apparently, BP had been recruiting while we were doing our mission. BP said there was no room in her car and that I'd need to ride in the van with Lucas, but at the same time, she was crooking her finger in a 'come with me anyway' sort of way. I didn't really want to try to cram myself in the back of her car with those boys, so I walked away, toward Lucas's van. Araya was in the front seat and Lucas was herding some other boys into the back of the van. Apparently, he'd been recruiting as well. Lucas said something about not trusting British Palin, but that's around when I woke up."
"Had some crazy dreams. I was in a space ship with two other people, one of those small, cramped things sort of like Apollo or something. We were on our way to Venus. As we approached, we saw Earth in the distance (though it looked much closer than it would have in real life). Then we started to land. Out the window, the planet rapidly, scarily approached, and just when it seemed like we were about to crash, the space ship deployed its landing equipment and then we were on the ground. Outside, in our spacesuits, we started exploring. The surface of this planet wasn't anything like what I understand Venus to be like in real life. First, we saw grass growing, which I made a surprised comment about. Then we saw a bird, a weird alien bird. Then, as we walked along, we started seeing signs of civilization, even though we were the first humans ever on Venus. That's around when I woke up. I had other dreams too, but I don't remember what they were about now."
"Last night's weird dreams. This one was based on The Elder Scrolls. To start with, I and a bunch of other adventurers were out and about, doing adventurey things. It was more defined than that, but I just don't care to spend a lot of time and space describing it all. Later, we were all sitting in an auditorium thing while the current Emperor (who in this dream was an evil half-demon) was stalking back and forth, giving a speech or something. I was the only one willing to look this Emperor in the eye. Everyone else was lowering their eyes in fear and thought I was crazy. However, there was something they all did not know which the Emperor and I did know: I could have wrecked this Emperor's shit if I so chose. That's why I wasn't afraid to stare at him as he ranted."
"I think I might have had a dream about Chris and Tess last night. Except not really. In the dream, I and a small group of other people were playing a video game of some sort. I thought of it as kind of like a multiplayer version of Silent Hill, except it wasn't Silent Hill, and it was less like a video game and more like we were actually there in person. I feel like Matt and/or Pat from Super Best Friends were there as well, at least briefly, but the main part of it was the end. There was a blonde girl there in a red fuzzy bathrobe who I thought of as Tess, though she didn't really do much of anything. The other girl I thought of, at least initially, as Chris, but she didn't act like Chris. She acted more like a villain.*"
(Header note: "* - And there was rather creepy sex stuff between me and this 'Chris-but-not-Chris' that I initially didn't even want to mention at first but am adding as an asterisk note now.")
Also, just to note, since I don't think I've mentioned it in any previous entries, but "Chris" and "Tess" are the dual protagonists in the novel that I am currently (ostensibly) working on. That's all I feel comfortable saying right now, as I don't really want to discuss the novel openly until I actually have something to show for it (i.e. a completed novel). The original idea for the novel itself came from a dream which I have not related and won't be relating in this LJ.
"I had a weird, shitty dream in which I was driving around a tractor (in the dream, the tractor looked like the big, orange tractor, but it sounded like the smaller Cub). and were there. was also driving a tractor, for some reason. was walking around and had a small white kitten. , one of Pa's cousins or however it is he's related to us, was there (he lives just down the dirt road from us), and there were a dozen dogs wandering around, and in an effort to avoid running over them with the tractor, I ended up running 's white kitten over (which she thankfully doesn't own in real life). That's when I woke up."
"For me, from about 6:30am and on, I was afflicted by a series of shitty, mundane fucking nightmares, of the 'false awakening' sort. The first (that I can recall at least) involved Pa coming into the bedroom, waking me up, and showing me some kind of tax document. He pointed out some item about 'scam/fraud protection' that was on the document, wondering if it was legit or some sort of scam/fraud itself. I had no idea. That's where that cycle ended. Later cycles, which I won't be describing in great detail, involved me doing stuff on my computer while people kept bothering me and trying to get me to do something else, or involved me writing in this very journal while people kept trying to interrupt me. Stupid shit like that, over and over. After each cycle, I'd wake up for real (or, in retrospect, maybe I didn't actually wake up for real each time and that was merely part of the dreams themselves) and check the clock on my phone each time."
"I did dream and they were mundane shit, what almost nothing that I remember of them now, shit that I'd usually consider to be nightmares, except that I oddly don't have the feeling that these were really all that terrible. As I said, though, I remember next to nothing, so that might be part of it."
"It's not Friday, but it's the 13th. I feel REALLY shitty and tired this morning. Weird, intricate dream last night that I remember less of with each passing second. I was some kind of cyborg quasi-superhero or something. There were some things that seemed to happen several times in the dream, as though they were part of my regular routine, such as driving my futuristic car into what I thought of as my HQ. At one point I was at a school at which there was some sort of sporting event that I was ignoring, and some girl came up to me and asked me to check on someone at a nearby hospital. So I went there and hung around, and though I never found out anything about the person the girl asked about, I did learn that Morn (the silent alien from Quark's bar on Star Trek Deep Space Nine) was at this hospital for some reason, though I never actually saw him there myself. There was more to this dream but I just can't recall any more than that now."
"I had another weird dream last night. I was in bed and watching TV (something that hasn't been possible since before I went to WA). Woolie, of Super Best Friends Play, had just been called down to Contestants Row on Price is Right. And then the scene switched and I was actually there in the audience. Except that 'there' wasn't the typical Price is Right stage, but instead the stage for some kind of water show, like something out of Sea World or something. There was a huge pool of water behind the stage. The game Woolie was going to have to play involved him going into this pool and then... doing something that wasn't clear... while trying to avoid some horrible sea monster.*"
(Header note: "* - I forgot to mention it later, but at some point during all of this, I somehow noticed a human leg and foot sticking out of this 'sea monster,' which was a clear indication to me that the 'monster' was obviously fake, though no one else seemed to notice.")
"While all this was going on, I was way up high in the stands, near the back, and there was a girl sitting to my left. She turned and started talking to me. I don't remember what all she said, except at one point when she asked if we knew each other because I looked familiar to her. I don't recall what she looked like, except that she had hair somewhere about halfway between blonde and brunette, because her face kept... changing. It would have been terrifying to see in real life, but in the dream it just made sense. Overall, I found her to be cute and quirky and someone I wanted to get to know better."
"Then the scene switched again and I was back here at Ma's house. I walked out the front door into the yard, which was much larger than in real life and was filled with cars and with people. Matt, Pat, and Woolie of SBFP were there and were about to leave and, for whatever reason, I was supposed to go with them, but I told them to wait a bit because I needed to find this girl again. As I wandered through the crowd, I saw her in the distance and made my way to her. I told her I'd like to keep in touch with her and asked for a phone number or email address. She handed me her keys. Even though the key chain had a bunch of cards and things on it, I didn't see anything on them that was like a phone number or email or whatever. She then handed me her cellphone and told me to call my own on it so that we'd have each other's numbers. When I called my own phone with hers and the 'Steel Samurai' theme from Phoenix Wright (which is what my ringtone is IRL) started to play, the girl apparently found that to be the most amazing thing ever, because she leaned forward, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me on the mouth. That, of course, obviously, was when I woke up."
"So that was last night's dream. I guess this journal has become my de facto dream journal, though I'm not using it in the manner you're supposed to use an actual dream journal (i.e. keep it next to your bed and write down your dreams as soon as you wake in order to more likely remember more of them)."
"What a bunch of weird dreams. I took a melatonin before I went to bed (no acetaminophen pm), so maybe that contributed to that. Let's see what I can recall now. There was a bunch of stuff that I don't recall that ended with me riding a train/tram/handcar into a sort of mountainous desert. This led into the segment I think of as the 'creepy cherub girl' dream. Even though it directly followed the train thing, I still think of it as separate. So yeah, there was a creepy cherub girl there at the end of the train tracks. She was around 5-7 years old and had blond hair with a weird flipped up set of bangs in the front and hair 'wings' to either side. For a while, she just hung out with me and whoever I was with. At the end, though, she went missing. At that point, I was in a mall with Ma, and her husband . I think might have been there, too, I don't know. We were worried because the creepy cherub girl was missing. But then, she was just there again, crying, but I kind of got the idea that the crying was fake. I picked her up, and that's when I saw that the slurpee stand or whatever it was that we were standing next to had a statue on top of it that looked exactly like the creepy cherub girl, with the same distinctive hair shape and all, except the statue looked like an older version. While I was getting increasingly upset and concerned over what this might mean, the others I was with were complaining that I was still holding the creepy cherub girl and not letting them hold her, so I asked her who she wanted to hold her. She thought for a bit and turned to Ma and said, 'Age before beauty' (which, now that I'm awake, sounds like a terrible thing to say, but then by that point in the dream I was starting to think that the creepy cherub girl might be evil anyway). As I was handing her to Ma, I said, 'So why did I pick you up first?' And that's where the creepy cherub girl segment ended."
"Another segment was the asshole assassins and their innocent assistant segment. There was a guy with short-cropped red hair and a big red beard, a guy with long straight black hair, and a girl with long, kind of curly/wavy black hair. All of them were wearing blue and black military fatigues. The first two, the two guys, were the asshole assassins. The girl, then, was the innocent assistant. The dream followed the two guys for a while and, unfortunately, I don't really recall any specifics of what they were up to, but since I thought of them as 'asshole assassins,' it couldn't have been very nice (so maybe it's actually fortunate that I don't remember details now). The dream later switched to the POV of me as the innocent assistant. Apparently, she/I hadn't been aware fully of what the guys were up to, but now that she/I did, she (because I'm not going to keep writing 'she/I') decided to get the hell out. She had to go through this weird gauntlet of androids and wire mesh gates. At first, the androids were nice and helpful, opening gates that she didn't have key cards for, but by the time she reached the end of the gauntlet with one big gate remaining, the androids were made aware that she was escaping and became hostile. They started shooting at her with these powerful red burning lasers. She shot back with a hand phaser straight out of Star Trek: The Next Generation. A Type II to be exact. Strangely, the phaser was a lot less powerful than the androids' lasers for some reason. It took them out, but it took a much longer sustained blast to do so. Either the androids were much more tough, or the phaser was locked on a weaker setting or something. Fortunately, it wasn't long before she got her hands on one of the lasers, which took the androids out a lot quicker. In the end, she took off the fatigues and was wearing a white jumpsuit underneath and then fled through the final gate, and that's where it ended. There were other dreams, but I don't recall enough of those to write about them here."
"Dreams last night involved me trying to halfassedly fly along the sidewalk of a street at 'the beach' but which was actually more like the streets I used to walk in Redmond and Bellevue WA, during a light rain on a cloudy day. There was more to the dream than that, but that's the main highlight and I don't care to recount the rest."
"One of the dreams I remember from last night was rather disturbing. I was in my bed here at Ma's house at night, and I heard some strange sounds, like the pained bleating of some animal that sounded like it was right under the air conditioner, which is right by the head of my bed (same as real life). Then the bleating changed to a voice saying something like, 'I want to come inside. I need my mama. Help me.' This scared the hell out of me so I went and woke up Ma (in the dream, not IRL) and she had no intention of letting the owner of the weird voice in the house. We both went to the living room. Pa was there (IRL, Pa died of cancer in 2011, which I'm sure I've mentioned in previous entries). Ma got the pistol out of its hiding spot and handed it to me. I turned back to the kitchen and that's when I saw that the back door was standing wide open. The storm door was closed, but anyone outside could have opened it. I didn't see anything outside as I ran forward and slammed the door shut, but just as I was locking it, I felt something pushing against it and jiggling the handle, trying to get in. That's when I woke up."
"Dreams. It's weird. The dream was that I was in a modern room, playing some sort of computer game, which was set in something like the 1800s. But then the dream shifted so that I actually was in the game, where it was no longer a game. In the game, which was now just the dream itself, I was a woman (yes, again) who was trying to become a school teacher. Other things involved in the dream were vampires and ships traveling between cities and magic. That's about it. Gist: I feel shitty and had an odd dream."
"My dreams were unusually angry last night. I was back in 'school' again. I don't remember the details of how or why or even what, but the teacher did or said something that really pissed me right the hell off, and I just got up in the middle of the class and walked out. After that, I was wandering around in the parking lot looking for my car. I'm pretty sure it was the same Ford Explorer that I drive Ma around in now (which is actually 's), but the key was different. It was a lot wider and fatter than the IRL key is, which seemed strange to me even in the dream. Then there was a bit of a scene switch and I was in another classroom. The previous one felt like it was in the old Scott Elementary building (though it felt more like 'college' than 'elementary school'), and this one was definitely in the Lassiter building, where I had third grade. I was involved in some sort of game in which there were a bunch of different colored pieces of candy hidden all over the place, and I was supposed to find all of the red pieces. Whenever I touched them, they would magically vanish. Later on, a different teacher (though somehow related to the previous one above) revealed a huge pile of red candy in the corner of the room. This somehow 'proved' that I had been cheating in some way, which pissed me off again, so I told them (i.e. the teacher and other players) to just fuck off and that I didn't want to play their shitty game to start with, especially if they were going to falsely accuse me of cheating. Not the best night I've ever had."
Only made it through a single month's worth of dreams that time before getting tired of it. At this rate, it's going to take me a hella long time to get through all of these up to the present day, assuming I ever do.