The Great Netflix Catchup Quickies

Feb 19, 2011 11:53

Torchwood: Children of Earth: Wow, that was a dark series that just kept getting darker and darker.  It was really good compared to the first to series but holy shit...

Doctor Who: Lost in Time: A series of Patrick Troughton episodes, I didn't watch many of them because they were difficult to watch.  I tried to get the earliest available Second Doctor episodes, which I did get, but they were "lost episodes", piecemealed together from the BBC archives with limited success, including middle episodes of some arcs and audio-only episodes of others.  I'm looking forward to trying more Troughton, though, I liked him a lot more than Hartnell.

Doctor Who: Planet of Death: Meh.  Like The Last Doctor, a middling episode that just seems to be there in order to keep Tennant around for as long as possible.  No real emotional impact as we barely know anyone else involved with the episode beyond The Doctor.

Doctor Who: Waters of Mars: See above regarding "meh".  Didn't help that the end felt really Out of Character (I might be wrong, though; no idea if previous doctors felt that way about time alteration).

Doctor Who: End of Time: A good episode with a goofy villain plot (Love John Simm, but he's a lot less menacing when his scheme involves a lot of crossdressing).  It was great to see Bernard Cribbins get some more facetime, I loved him in the fourth series.  In the end, though, the episode felt like one big anti-climax.  Everything The Doctor did after the radiation dose came across as a lot of retread, since he had already given his goodbyes to everyone once before in Turn Left, Stolen Earth, and Journey's End.

I have to say, too, that his way of "helping" Harkness made me appreciate the Captain even less.  "I just killed my grandson and watched my boyfriend die, thank God The Doctor hooked me up with this hottie."

Donnie Darko: What the fuck just happened?
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