I'm inventin' a meme! Don' like it? Go...'ave a beer. Sommin'. OOC!

Jul 17, 2006 10:18

Post a timeline of the events that are most important that have occured to your pup!

Time: ????

Event: Booga tries to join a gang! The final part of his initiation is to sneak into a girl's Tank, and steal her knickers!

Not surprisingly, Tank Girl walks in on him in the middle of the act. Somehow, by some insane stroke of luck, Booga does not get gutted and killed. Instead, he ends up sleeping with her! She was probably very, ming bogglingly drunk at the time.

The gang he was trying to join, sure that Booga was now dead, chase after to get revenge. They get killed by some guy with a magic gown? Booga doesn't much care. He's with Tank now!

Time: ???? But definitely sometime later!

Event: Booga stops just having lust for Tank Girl, and is absolutely, completely, head over heels in love with her. There's plenty of lust still, but a whole lot more love. It's about then he decides that he'd do pretty much anything she told him to do.

Time: ???? Hell if Booga knows. If anything, it might've even come before he met Tank. His memory is a hazy thing. He can't remember three years of his life, after all (Psst - those three years? He was a toy designer!)

Event: Booga invents the Worthing B-52. The finest drug in existence. It makes you float! Literally!

Time: September 16th, 2005, according to ehl-jay!

Event: Booga has been without Tank for a while. He starts tracking her down - finding her in a fucked up hotel of sorts. He's ecstatic about the reunion, and meets Murdoc a second time - the first being in the Nexus when Muds asked a question. Booga finds out Tank's been dating and shagging Muds. Booga's alright with polyamory. Murdoc? Not so much. Which is made evident by...

Time: From september 16th, and going on for a bit...

Event: Murdoc thinking up ways to kill Booga. Hooh boy, that was something.

Time: Here and there!

Event: No longer threatened by death (And sort of bored), Booga starts spending more time in the nexus, making friends, drinking, smoking, and sometimes showing up naked. He's met and befriended a person who's a fan of the comics, an upbeat girl with a darker side she's not yet told Booga about, a 1-day old succubus, the doofish fun that is Mori, two versions of Noodle, and Derek, who Booga really needs to learn more about, as well as Isamu, who Booga knows he's a close friend of, even if Isamu will never ever admit it.

Time: June 14th, 2006.

Event: Booga finds out that Tank Girl is pregnant. With Murdoc's baby.

At first, he's stunned and sad, because although he had no problem with Tank loving him as well as Murdoc, Booga's wanted to be a dad for ages, and he felt cut off from that then.

Fortunately, Tank knew just what to do and made Booga the godfather. He instantly cheered up. Booga has since quit smoking and drinking for Tank and her baby.

Time: Now!

Event: Booga being Booga! He currently lives with Tank at her granddad's. He still comes to the nexus to hang with friends and meet new ones, but, as always, his main priority in his brain is Tank Tank Tank.

Annnnd...that's it, I think.
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