Enmity Testing (Part V)

Nov 15, 2007 16:21


The Enmity Table is currently filling out quite nicely; of the 358 spells and abilities which do not involve HP cured or damage, we've already filled out 100 CE values and 87 VE values in just a week's time.  I want to thank those who have contributed and encourage anyone interested to just pick a spell or ability not listed and do your own testing.  I realize the VE values are particularly difficult to pin-point; however, at this point, I am willing to take estimates using the "stop-watch" method.

In this post, I want to start going over certain abilities that alter enmity and pin-point exactly what effect they have on play.  This has really been one of those burning questions people have asked for a long time - it is only now that we can give concrete answers on how effective some of these moves are.  In particular, I'm going to work with Adventurer's Dirge, Foe Sirvente, and Sentinel (pre-Guardian).  The normal summary is below...

-  The effect of Enmity Gear on Volatile Enmity (VE) is found
      -  The "Enmity Enhancement" of Sentinel is found
      -  The "upper limit" or "upper cap" of Enmity enhancement is found
      -  The effect of Adverturer's Dirge is found

Thanks to Elipse & Suwuside and Valyana, Dragonade, & Zozma for their help on testing some of these particular aspects used in these post.

Previous:  Enmity Testing (Part IV)

Next:  Enmity Testing (Part VI)

Enmity Table

EDIT:  Results for Foe Sirvente were removed due to errors


Test 14A

Does Enmity Gear affect the Volatile Enmity Decay Rate?

H0:  Enmity Gear does not affect the Volatile Enmity Decay Rate
      H1:  Enmity Gear does affect the Volatile Enmity Decay Rate

Testing Setup:

- 1 puller character with Silence access (BRD/WHM)
- 2 level 75 members with Dispel or the ability in question (RDM/WAR, BLM/RDM for Dispel)
- 1 character must have access to enmity gear, and both need to have access to "distance plug-in"
- Use a "level 0" monster - we chose Bumblebee in West Sarutabaruta
- This test requires a stop-watch!

- All characters must have either Stoneskin or Phalanx buffed prior to starting to ensure 0 damage
- Utsusemi shadows must be off when this experiment takes place

- Puller pulls with Silence while the 2 test characters move to 0.7 distance (same distance)
- Both test character 1 and 2 casts Dispel once (CE1 = 320, CE2 = 320)
- Test character 1 casts Cure 1 for 0 HP twice (CE1 = 322, CE2 = 320)
- Test character 2 uses Provoke using +10 Enmity Gear (CE1 = 322, CE2 = 321) - player 2 takes hate
- Document the amount of time required for player 1 to regain hate

- Have player 2 keep the +10 Enmity Gear on 
- Isolate the VE of player 2's Provoke at +10 Enmity Enhancement

H0:  Provoke at +10 Enmity Enhancement divided by the amount of time to decay will equal ~60 VE/sec
      H1:  Provoke at +10 Enmity Enhancement divided by the amoutn of time to decay will not equal ~60 VE/sec


Time Taken to Decay =  ~33 seconds
VE of Enhanced Provoke =  ~1980 VE
Decay Rate =  ~60 VE/sec

This test shows that the decay rate remained unchanged during the enmity enhancement.  The next test will try to find the formula or exact relationship between enmity enhancement and the VE value associated with spells and abilities.


Test 14B

What is the effect of Enmity Gear on Volatile Enmity (VE)?

Testing Setup:

- 1 puller character with Silence access (BRD/WHM)
- 2 level 75 members with ability in question (RDM/WAR, BLM/RDM) - may require job change for gear
- 1 character must have access to enmity gear, and both need to have access to "distance plug-in"
- Use a "level 0" monster - we chose Bumblebee in West Sarutabaruta
- This test requires a stop-watch!

- All characters must have either Stoneskin or Phalanx buffed prior to starting to ensure 0 damage
- Utsusemi shadows must be off when this experiment takes place

- Puller pulls with Silence while the 2 test characters move to 0.7 distance (same distance)
- Both test characters 1 and 2 cast Dispel once (CE = 320 even each)
- Test character 1 casts Cure 1 for 0 HP twice (CE1= 322, CE2 = 320)
- Test character 2 uses Provoke using +10 Enmity (CE1 = 322, CE2 = 321)
- Document the amount of time taken for Player 1 to retake hate.

- Repeat the test using different amounts of Enmity Equipment
- Include both positive and negative enmity enhancements


Enmity ChangeTime TakenVolatile Enmity-2024~1440-1027~1620030~1800+1033~1980+2036~2160

These changes suggest that Enmity Gear affects VE in the exact same way as CE.  There is some error in this method of testing since we are using a stopwatch; however, because of the enmity change values we chose, the "seconds" should come out rather precisely.  I think the evidence is strong enough to show a solid relationship despite the lack of precision in using the "stop-watch" methodology.


Enmity Gear does not affect the VE Hate Decay Rate in any fashion.
Enmity Gear increases the VE of an ability in the same fashion as it affects CE - direct % increase.

Final CE = [Base CE] x { 1 + [Enmity Enhancement] / 100 }
                    Final VE = [Base VE] x { 1 + [Enmity Enhancement] / 100 }


Test 15A

What is the "Enmity Enhancement" of Sentinel?

Testing Setup:

- 1 puller character with Silence access (BRD/WHM)
- 2 level 75 members with ability in question (RDM/PLD, BLM/RDM)
- Both characters need to have access to "distance plug-in"
- Use a "level 0" monster - we chose Bumblebee in West Sarutabaruta

- All characters must have either Stoneskin or Phalanx buffed prior to starting to ensure 0 damage
- Utsusemi shadows must be off when this experiment takes place

- Puller pulls with Silence while the 2 test characters move to 0.7 distance (same distance)
- Both test characters 1 and 2 cast Dispel once (CE = 320 even each)
- Test character 1 casts Cure 1 for 0 HP once (CE1= 321, CE2 = 320)
- Test character 2 uses Sentinel (CE1 = 321, CE2 = 321)
- Test character 2 casts Dispel once with Sentinel effect (CE1 = 321, CE2 = 321+?)

- Wait 2 minutes for any VE to decay fully
- Use various known CE value abilities to find the CE of the Enhanced Dispel


CE of the Enhanced Dispel =  640 CE

This test only shows the CE portion of the enhancement; however, based on Test 14, we can safely assume that the VE will have a similar enhancement.  Because the CE of the Dispel was essentially doubled, this leaves the "Enmity Enhancement" of Sentinel to be an incredibly +100 Enmity!


Test 15B

Is positive Enmity Enhancement "capped" at +100?

H0:  Enmity Enhancement does not "cap" at +100
      H1:  Enmity Enhancement does "cap" at +100

Testing Setup:

- 1 puller character with Silence access (BRD/WHM)
- 2 level 75 members with Dispel or the ability in question (RDM/PLD, BLM/RDM for Dispel)
- 1 character must have access to enmity gear, and both need to have access to "distance plug-in"
- Use a "level 0" monster - we chose Bumblebee in West Sarutabaruta

- All characters must have either Stoneskin or Phalanx buffed prior to starting to ensure 0 damage
- Utsusemi shadows must be off when this experiment takes place

- Puller pulls with Silence while the 2 test characters move to 0.7 distance (same distance)
- Both test character 1 and 2 casts Dispel once (CE1 = 320, CE2 = 320)
- Test character 1 casts Cure 1 for 0 HP once (CE1 = 321, CE2 = 320)
- Test character 2 uses Sentinel (CE1 = 321, CE2 = 321)
- Test character 2 uses Dispel using +10 Enmity Gear (CE1 = 321, CE2 = 321+?)

- Wait 2 minutes for any VE to fully decay
- Use various known CE value abilities to find the CE of the Enhanced Dispel

H0:  The CE of the enhanced Dispel will be greater than 640 CE
      H1:  The CE of the enhanced Dispel will be 640 CE

The results show that adding + Enmity Gear has no effect on adding CE (and by Test 14, pressumably VE as well).  This means that Enmity Enhancement is indeed "upper capped" at +100 Enmity.


The "Enmity Enhancement" of Sentinel is the equivalent of +100 Enmity.
"Enmity Enhancement" by special status or gear has an "upper cap" of  +100 Enmity.


Test 16

What is the effect of Adverturer's Dirge (LVL1) on Enmity Enhancement?

Testing Setup:

- 1 puller character with Silence and Adverturer's Dirge (LVL1) access (BRD/WHM)
- 2 level 75 members with Dispel or the ability in question (RDM/WAR, BLM/RDM for Dispel)
- 1 character must have access to enmity gear, and both need to have access to "distance plug-in"
- Use a "level 0" monster - we chose Bumblebee in West Sarutabaruta

- All characters must have either Stoneskin or Phalanx buffed prior to starting to ensure 0 damage
- Utsusemi shadows must be off when this experiment takes place

- Puller pulls with Silence while the 2 test characters move to 0.7 distance (same distance)
- Both test character 1 and 2 casts Dispel once (CE1 = 320, CE2 = 320)
- Have the BRD use Adventurer's Dirge on character 1
- Test character 1 casts Dispel once with Dirge effect on
- Find the CE gained by the enhanced Dispel using various known CE value abilities

- Repeat Test 14A to determine if Decay Rate is affected by Dirge


CE of Enhanced DIspel =  288 CE
Effect on Decay Rate =  No

The results show that Adventurer's Dirge grants a direct -10 Enmity Enhancement at level one.  Based on the description of the spell on the Merits menu, adding points into this song will decrease the Enmity Enhancement by -3 each time for a total of -16 Enmity at maxed level 3.


Adventurer's Dirge does not affect the Volatile Enmity Decay Rate.
Adventurer's Dirge LVL1 grants a player a straight -10 Enmity Enhancement.



Here is the summary of findings for those who don't want to read through the testing...

-  Enmity Gear does not affect the VE Hate Decay Rate in any fashion.
      -  Enmity Gear increases the VE of an ability in the same fashion as it affects CE - direct % increase.

Final CE = [Base CE] x { 1 + [Enmity Enhancement] / 100 }
                    Final VE = [Base VE] x { 1 + [Enmity Enhancement] / 100 }

-  The "Enmity Enhancement" of Sentinel is the equivalent of +100 Enmity.
      -  "Enmity Enhancement" by special status or gear has an "upper cap" of  +100 Enmity.

-  Adventurer's Dirge does not affect the Volatile Enmity Decay Rate.
      -  Adventurer's Dirge LVL1 grants a player a straight -10 Enmity Enhancement.

I think that the implications of these tests show that Enmity Gear has a drastic effect on "hate" in this game, especially when stacked.  We now know almost exactly how the Enmity Enhancement process works in the game, which will be a huge aid to just about any job which focuses on holding hate or keeping enmity values low.  Being able to actually now quantify the Enmity Enhancements gives a better picture of what gear tradeoffs are warranted and which are not.  The only question left about Enmity Enhancement is the "lower cap" - although intuitively, it should probably be -100.

The testing has really started to show some good results now.  I feel that the Enmity Table should be relatively complete soon, and we are now ready to start dealing with the most difficult aspects of Enmity - Damage, Cures, and the effects of Distance.


enmity testing!

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