Okays so I'm readings this book. I thoughts it was lots of stories about vikings but nows I'm not so sures, I means the people sounds like they're vikings but then alls this weirds thing happens and I don't gets it.
Like in one stories these peoples, they sounds like plants. They haves sweet rosebush, tiny buds of desire, throbbing bud of feminitiy and soft petals. In this other ones some guy has skin that taste like chocolate And that guys has a manroot and I don't even knows what that is. I really don't gets that one a holy lots. Are they a cannaballs, maybe? I thinks so because this lady in that same stories tastes like honey, or strawberries, or MINT.
People don't taste likes those things.
Anyways. There are a lots of weird foods and animals ones likes chocolate starsfish (I thoughts it was a fish?) and somethings about bratwurst into hot buns and the dragon of his desires writhed beneath his tight-stretched trousers (dragons can't fit in your pants), and honey pots and puckered holes and sweet nectars. Tumescent tubes of fire. Boiling wrath of frothy thunder. I can't tells if they are cookings something or watching the weathers.
This one viking has a velvet-covered swords. And he plunges it into some lady's fleashy sheath. I don't gets it.
So weirds.
Okays and there is this one parts likes this:
and in the fragile silence of rainbow nothings of a thousand and one nights of terror and conquest, the beast harrumphed about his prize and shouted "FEAST" to the evening sky, and proceeded to rip the bodice of his quivering amethyst studded victim who pled and wailed for release
I don'ts understands any of thats. I asked Alexi and he just tolds me to ask other peoples so...can someone helps me with this? I don'ts get this book at alls.