
Jun 12, 2010 12:06

i am out of the antipsychotic med i've been taking. (been out for a day now.) i called in a refill thursday. no refill. called my psych; the voice mail is full. called the clinic. he's out of town. no one else can write me a script. go to the emergency room ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

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kaninchenzero June 12 2010, 23:06:54 UTC
yeah that's pretty much the plan. :) in the meantime i got a lap full of sleepy cat (the longhsir tortoiseshell so it is a lot of fur) and alprazolam. it's not bad.


lounalune June 13 2010, 14:16:28 UTC
Glad you've got some sleepy catiness. It makes every situation a tiny bit better, and I don't know how it is for you, but I know it can help avoid panic attacks in some people. I certainly hope it does for you.


quentinwrites June 12 2010, 23:21:14 UTC
Ah shit, that's got to suck. I missed my medication (antidepressant and antipsychotic) last night and it's midnight and I just finished clearing out the fridge, freezer and food cupboards so I think I might be tipping into mania already. I don't know why I'm telling you this - probably to let you know you're not the only one crazy right now. I hope you manage to get them soon. *hugs, if you want them*


kitrona June 13 2010, 10:22:12 UTC
I'm so sorry... this is a horrible situation. I'm out of two of my meds now, the ones that make me mostly functional physically, and I have to wait til the 22nd for refills, and the thought makes me awfully anxious. I'm mad at myself for it, too, because I didn't make an appointment when I should have, but damn if it doesn't suck!

(Not saying our situations are the same, but a little similarity, enough that I can sympathize.)


lounalune June 13 2010, 14:13:09 UTC
That sucks! I hope you get meds soon, and I hope you don't feel too shitty while being out of them. Do hugs help? They're not much, but they're all I can offer...


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