(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 08:21

I feel utterly defeated with everything.

It amazes me how a test can ruin your whole outlook on a class. I studied, but as usual, no where near enough. I can only read for 10 minutes at a time at the most, no matter how good the material is or how badly I need to burn it into my memory. My attention span just doesn't hold well when reading.

So how did I do on my International Recording Industry midterm? If I'm lucky I made a C. And that is being very generous seeing as I drew a complete blank on the short answer part which was worth 10 points.
UPDATE @ 4PM: Professor A posted the test grades already and I made an 80, not as bad as I anticipated.

My drum loop lab for Principles of Electronic Music (aka 4200) sounds like pure shit. And I won't even go into how I think I did on that test. If I make a C on that one I will dance like a stripper for a man waving a $100 bill.

The kids have these little agendas that they write their homework down in and teachers write notes and stuff in. It is also a way for you to see how your child behaves because they have certain little codes they will mark in them. Example, if your child was talking in class when they weren't supposed to, the teacher will put an OT (doing something off topic)or a T (talking)in their agenda for that day.

Mykal has received 10 corrections in not quite 2 months. All of them but 1 were because he didn't do his homework. *sighs* I have tried everything I know to make sure he does his work but either he doesn't write it all down, or by the time I check it in the morning, it is too late to get him to do anything he didn't finish.

I was nearly in tears this morning as I talked to him for what has to be the umpteenth time about doing his work. I don't know what else to do. He has such a hard time because of his speech problem...

I just feel like I'm failing him as his mother, and he's only 9.
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