You wake.
That's the sensation, the very first thing, a moment of sharpening, everything coming into focus. What were you doing again? Daydreaming away the evening? Now you're awake.
Second, a sensation of familiarity. This is where you're supposed to be. It's not the same for everyone. For you, perhaps it's a bedroom, your own or another. A familiar house, a well-known path you've walked a thousand times. Everything is just where it should be, so familiar and commonplace as to be unnoticeable. You could be blinded here, and still find your way around. Of course you could. This is a familiar place.
Except... These people. They're right too, moving about their daily lives around you without a care in the world. It's a normal day, peaceful and calm, and the people moving around you are familiar to you, aren't they? No one sees this dream the same way.
Here is your brother, your mother, your sister.
Your best friend, or your teacher.
Your child.
Your king.
And while the place is just as you expect it, and the people no more alarming, what you see is different. Brighter, somehow, as if all your life you've lived in twilight, a dark filter over your eyes to shade the world. Not washed out, but more colorful, more present. And there- what's that?
You can see it, there, hanging between them. Shining filaments of light, like spider silk, if such a thing could be made to glow like strands of sunlight given physical form. Bonds of love and family, of friendship and simple time, binding fates together. More than that- power, everyone glowing with a half-formed shadow of their own power, red or blue or white in turn, subtly shaped as wings or horns or formless, menacing shadows. Dark places where some minor sickness has taken hold of their bodies.
The background glow of the world, dimmer than those bright living forms, but still bright where they have been. Pathways in the very fabric of being, like scents left behind where they've touched.
This is the way Fai sees the world, every facet touched by the magic in his eyes, the power in his bloodline.
If you can pierce the veil, see past your own mind's predispositions, the way the brain takes the vague questions a dream asks and supplies its own answers, maybe you can see Fai's perceptions in this; an ordinary day, in the palace. Luxurious, but lonely, and with no one but his twin to do else but call him cursed and sneer.
It carries little emotion for him, except as a template. There was never a day exactly like this one, but many many days similar. Like you, he's simply dreaming, dropping memories and suppositions into their places. A haphazard puzzle. A happy dream.
- - -
[He passes from dreaming into a more quiet sleep sometime before dawn, and doesn't wake for many hours. By the time he wakes, the Hitomi has long since shut itself off. Even if Fai remembers the dream for himself, he may not realize it's been broadcast to all and sundry until it's pointed out to him. Good morning.]
(( ooc: This is a slightly different kind of dream. The general sentiment and progression of the dream comes through the same for everyone, but the intimate details are personalized. This dream is meant to be about Fai's renewed magic-sense upon arriving at Kannagara.
It's a peaceful, pleasant dream, but strange, and everyone's perception in the dream is as if they had Fai's magic-sensory abilities. That aside, please feel free to have your character interpet it as needed. ]