(log) cause we all wanna party when a funeral ends (week 30, day 1)

Oct 10, 2011 23:38

Who: the crystalblessing and sternitfortem.
Status: Closed.
Style: Third person present
Where: Mizusato, the YGO household
When: Week 30, Day 1 (night into early early morning Day 2)
Rating:PG/PG-13 for slight violence, yelling
Warnings: so many feelings
Summary: confrontations

It's late. The sun's set. Juudai probably should have made himself go back at least before it got dark, but that didn't happen. Too much ended up happening. He'd promised Asuka they'd talk - and, he reasons, they will. At. some point. in the future. soon.

And Johan.

Juudai's not looking forward to that. It's going to happen, he knows it's going to happen, he knows it needs to happen, but the thought of it just... just.... yeah, he isn't looking forward to it.

So now, he's still slightly damp from fishing with Fai and from crossing the channel back over to the Mizusato islands (he fell out of the boat, it was pretty embarrassing), and trudging up the bluff to the house. The waxing moon - near full - shines brightly enough that it's quite easy to see where he's going.

yuki juudai, johan andersen, *complete, !log, location: mizusato

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