Jan 14, 2011 07:19
[ The feed clicks on with the Hitomi apparently propped up on a table or the like, catching a clear view of a white-haired older teen who seems to be peering at the recording for a second, making sure it's lined up properly. He sits back after the confirmation, smiling pleasantly in a way that makes the scar over the left side of his face twist a little. A trim military jacket with a high collar, black with red trim and a gold chain stands in high contrast against his somewhat pale appearance and the silver cross badge over his heart.
Those familiar might recognize the background as his and Howard Link's modest-yet-cramped room (sneaking a moment to himself while you're off somewhere, Link. Should he be grateful cooking takes a little longer here in the morning than in Jerry's kitchen?).
There is also a wobbly little golden ball with wings on his shoulder that seems to peer with jealousy great interest at the Hitomi. Does it act alive? Yes, yes it does. In fact for a second you could swear it grows a toothy mouth and flashes a quick grin. ]
Good morning, everyone. If we haven't met - hello, I'm Allen Walker.
[ And he continues pleasantly enough, but with a more sober cast to his eyes, chin dropping a little to look more directly into the Hitomi as he leans forward. ]
I know a lot of us have been talking about getting more organized, whether it's for protection or making a town of our own... I understand why a lot of people have misgivings, but I think regardless of what we do, it's a good point in general. We need to work together more and support ourselves here besides just scattering and doing our own thing.
[ Especially if they are being treated like ticking timebombs or wild animals. ]
I think something several of us have discussed is getting better at getting information to people when they first arrive. It's not easy for most of us, showing up in a forest and expected to find the inn in Hisato or some other roof over our heads... or even find a job. [ Thinking of you, Misa. Please tell him you've been looking at least and not hoping he'll pay for a place for you any longer. ] Not everyone is going to just ask on the Hitomi, and even then there's wrongful information out there.
And, for those of you we missed... [ A pause, and he really does look chastened. Probably several people he's thinking of in particular he let down. ] I'm sorry. That's why I'd like to see something like this happen. People have come to this world injured, sick, confused, and often not knowing how to use the Hitomi. Children have arrived by themselves as well. We all know how dangerous it can be on the road from creatures, but it's more unfriendly to newcomers now than ever. Maybe they're capable of fighting, maybe they're not. I don't like just leaving that to chance.
[ There are also those he's wary of where he'd rather be aware of their existence right away. ]
So... the inn is looking for help. It doesn't pay much, certainly not enough positions for as many people as should be doing this I think, certainly not what they had in mind even I think. But if we could form a network of people to, ah... guide newcomers from Himorogi in a manner of speaking, get them to Hisato or comrades they might know, we might be able to help a lot of people and reduce a lot of the confusion.
[ Brightening a little, because finding a way to possibly make things work when they've been frustrating him is... Well, it's not a common feeling for someone so used to being denied and stymied a lot. ] We could check in at Himorogi periodically and otherwise keep an eye out on the network and let the others know. It only has to be one or two people at a time, so even if it's just volunteer work it should be doable for anyone, and it could help reduce how many of us try to explain everything at once. Anyone knowledgeable with this world or who have been here longer - probably with someone able to protect them from any attacks if it's needed.
[ There is also the worry - what of when enemies and those dangerous show. Especially before the reality of this world sinks in, of death and its lack of a hold... There's more than one reason to make sure anyone encountering new arrivals has someone or is someone able to defend themselves.
That creature, the one that reminded him of the Noah... perhaps yes, there is a reason so many soldiers are brought here. But it doesn't have to be for war. They can do good with it, too. There is protection. ]
So- [ And there is the moment of slight hesitation, of seriously proposing something himself in a moment not in battle, but he smiles in a clear, forthright kind of manner. Easy, not quite confident, but that sharper kind of this is right assurance. ] I'm going to keep trying to do this. Regardless of what else we decide, is there anyone else with me?
It's not much, but even if we can make sure that at least one of us that knows the lay of the land a little better can be there to explain things better, can help get those that need it any medical attention and safety if they need it... It could still be a lot.
[ As soon as he clicks the feed off, the smile still lingering for a moment... he suddenly sags back in his chair, the smile dropping with some exhaustion and a bracing sigh. Ahhh... he was sure to catch it from some people for what he'd just said, what it meant, but...
But it was important anyway. It was needed. That's what matters. ]
[ooc: that morning, before he realizes Lavi has disappeared. Housemates feel free to suddenly make his morning miserable by pointing this out if they already noticed.]
yu kanda,
allen walker,
~amelia wil tesla saillune,
~amane misa,
~sawada tsunayoshi,
hatake kakashi,
asano rin,
~dokuro chrome,
~howard link,
~peter petrelli,