I've been very busy with my research lately... but it has all paid off! I heard tale of a creepy entity who frequents a graveyard nearby, so I decided to investigate.
After spending a few nights there my prey had finally shown itself! I managed to get a decent picture of it too! Well, decent for there being no light...
After this undead being left the graveyard, I examined the grounds upon which she walked and danced and found footprints, leading me to believe it to be corporeal. Upon this belief I place my professional judgement that this undead girl is either a zombie or a human possessed by a ghost to do its bidding. I'm not sure whether its intentions are malicious or not, but the zombie/ghost seems to be very attached to this graveyard for some reason.
I will continue my observations of the cemetary and its haunting. Hopefully I will be able to attain more decisive evidence as to the nature of this being of the afterlife.