(no subject)

Dec 01, 2009 00:59



Copying and pasting from last year: If you'd like a Christmas card, comment here--! Comments are screened, so please feel free to include your address. \o/ Or if you're paranoid, email me at noodle[dot]phantess [at] gmail[dot]com or IM me at NoodleKarin. \o\

I can also do in-character cards, if you'd like! Here's a list of characters I can write for.

This time I promise to actually mail them. Really. Although they might be late, in which case, NEW YEARS CARDS YEEEEAAAAAH.

And don't be shy--! If you want one but are afraid it'd be weird since we don't talk a lot or something, it's completely cool by me. I'd totally love to send a billion cards out. *____*

separate post because I need to screen comments on this one. I apologize for spamming your flist!
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