Character List

Dec 19, 2006 00:54

Fashion verse
A collection of mostly my Candybar models. I may write something in this universe, particularly because Amani and Mika have a HILARIOUSLY BAD RELATIONSHIP (they're half-sisters). Also because the characters were conceived in games where the roleplaying element was derpy fun, so they're really fun characters to write.

*Amani Sato (F) / 22 / Tokyo -> Vancouver -> Tokyo / Waitress -> Model -> Fashion designer
*Mika Sato (F) / 18 / Tokyo -> Vancouver / Clerk -> Model
Kira Walker (F) / 26 / Vancouver / Boutique owner and fashion designer
Athena Kurtz (F) / 16 / Vancouver / Aspiring model
Brandon Walker (M) / 30 / Vancouver -> London / Model -> Model Management Company Executive
*Fiona Kiernan (F) / 17 / Dublin -> Vancouver / Aspiring model
Wyatt Fischer (M) / 24 / Vancouver -> Toronto / Aspiring model -> Salaryman
*Joy Fischer (F) / 19 / Vancouver / Basketball player -> model
*Jody Fischer (F) / 10 / Vancouver / Complete derp
*Shir Lutner (F) / 25 / Tel Aviv -> Vancouver / Aspiring model?
*Vivienne Godard (F) / 19 / Paris -> Vancouver / Model

For those of you who are interested! From left to right, top to bottom: Shir, Amani, Vivienne, Joy, Fiona and Mika. Also: Wyatt, Athena, and Brandon. Kira is my Style Savvy character, haha. And Jody is... Jody.

No Pants Sexy Universe
My failed attempt at NaNo 2010, which was a collection and refocussing of a really bad yaoi fic I'd started in the eleventh grade. It's basically set in derpy fantastic pansexual decadent Imperial China, and is sort of a political intrigue unfortunately hampered by the narrator's complete and utter derpiness.

Ma'ati (M) / 19 / Heir Apparent of House Fire, derpy protagonist (?)
Lu'asi (M) / 23 / Heir Presumptive of House Water; nickname 'Angel and Demon'
Ko'ara -> Ko (M -> F) / 17 / Heir Apparent -> Head of House Air
Go'ale (F) / 14 / Heir Apparent of House Earth -> Prisoner in House Water

*Fo -> Fo Tari (F) / 20 / Farmer, noble by relation
*Ru (Ruthea) (F) / 20 / .......Treasure-hunter (lol); goes by 'Tina'
Ly (Lyon) (M) / 32 / Treasure-hunter, fighter-for-hire
Ro'asi -> Norr (M) / 41 / Head of House Water -> "Necromancer", treasure-hunter (Ro'asi is presumed dead); called 'The Necromancer'
*Ki (Kiera) (F) / 18 / Oracle (possibly channeling Fa'ama and So'aku)

Ri'asi (F) / 46 / Head of House Water; nickname 'Snake Queen'
Di'ati (M) / 52 / Head of House Fire, currently reigning emperor
Su'ati (F) / 30 / wife of Di'ati
Wu -> Wu'ale (M) / 22 / Head of House Earth

Uo -> Uo'tari (M) / 38 / Steward of House Water
Nu -> Nu'tari (F) / 34 / wife of Uo'tari
Me -> Me'tari (F) / 16 / daughter of Nu'tari, Braidkeeper for Ma'ati

Mu'gani (M) / 34 / Ma'ati's Braidkeeper -> Steward of House Fire
Ti'tana (F) / 22 / Knight of House Air -> Knight of House Water; Go'ale's warden

Gi'ane (presumed dead) (F) / 18 / Heir of House Darkness -> Head of House Darkness?
So'aku (dead) (F) / 22 (three years ago) / Heir of House Steel
Fa'ama (dead) (F) / 25 (three years ago) / Heir of House Light
Be'adu (presumed dead) (M) / 28 / Heir of House Wood

Pa'ara (dead) (F) / 39 (three years ago) / Head of House Air
Ni'ale (dead) (M) / 40 (three years ago) / Head of House Earth

*Characters I've roleplayed as

DnD Characters
Ruthea Kiernan (F) (goes by Ru) / 17 / Half-Elf, multiclass Rogue/Bard with levels in Arcane Trickster (Pathfinder)

Ru was based on the character from No Pants Sexy Universe who was based on my Sniper from Torchlight. All I knew about Ru when I first started playing her was that she is Cool Rogue Lady (TM), she likes shiny things, she had a Chaotic Neutral alignment, and that she's living on her own, making money through The World's Oldest Profession because...because of a reason I didn't really know? Both because it's all she knows how to do and because she's not a huge fan of theft, unless it's for an enormous heap of fun and profit.

Anyways! I thought I was going into the game with Chaotic Neutral Cool Rogue Lady (TM) who likes gems and is in prostitution to make money! And it turns out that Ru is very, very sixteen years old (she's since turned 17), really wishes she could be Cool Rogue Lady (TM), wishes she could make money through street dancing and not 'street dancing', and really, at the end of the day, wants to know that there's an adult looking after her in her life. But at the same time wants to prove that she's better than all of the adults in her life. Which confused me for the longest time! Until I found out that she's a bastard, one half noble human scholarly family, one half unknown elf father. Her relationship with her human family (who raised her) wasn't bad, but she was too proud and dumb and young to handle the inevitable tension, so she took off at age twelve to make her way in the world! BECAUSE RU, SHE JUST LOVES TO DEPEND ON PEOPLE.

So yes! Everything I originally understood about Ru turned out to be a face she puts on because she's a derpy teenager with attachment issues. ???

She's begun moving vaguely towards True Neutral, although she's definitely developing a really strong most-people-here-are-idiots side. She still hasn't figured out what her goals in life are, but she is happy, in a way. There are certain things that aren't up on her bio page, like that she thinks a couple of the other Pathfinders are complete tools. But it's nice to know that she isn't so insecure any more, because I think that came off as just immature.

She's developed some strong bonds of friendship with other Pathfinders...and also a ridiculous crush on one of the villains, a changeling named Arcade. Because (?) of that, she's started praying to Arcade's lookalike deity, the Chaotic Evil god, the Arch-Psion.

tl;dr: it's really fun playing Ru because she has even less of a clue than I do. Also, because of the 8+int skill ranks per level you get as a Rogue, and the fact that Rogue + Bard covers every skill except like three, and that Arcane Trickster (a prestige class she's currently taking levels in) gives you all sort of neat abilities (like the ability to use a bunch of rogue skills from a distance of 30 feet with Mage Hand), she's basically our campaign's answer to Batman. SWEET DEAL

Lin (F, goes about as M) / 20-ish / Changeling (goes about as an Elf) Ranger, paragon path Ruthless Punisher (D&D 4e)

Lin decided she wanted to be a man! Lin's conception of elf men is apparently Gaston from Beauty and the Beast! Lin wandered into the forest one day and was gifted an animal companion by the forest spirits, but when he asked for a dog and expected a wolf, he was instead gifted a battle pug! a) Be careful what you wish for b) Lin is so much fun to RP c) Battlepug does nothing but run around and sit next to enemies to give Lin the +2 hit bonus for Hunter's Teamwork! TEAMWORK THROUGH PEEING ON ENEMIES

And then. About three-quarters of the way through the campaign there was a two-month time-skip, giving Lin a lot of time on his own, away from the derpy party. At which point I discovered that not only did Lin miffle his looks to fit in with others, he also miffled his personality; the real Lin was an angry, lonesome soul who seriously hates humanoids because of how difficult life as a hag-born has been for him. He's always been on the move, with only his dog for a companion, and it pushed him to Lawful Evil. A friend of his, a Deva named Saranya, taught him how to properly be an elf; when she died at the end of the campaign, Lin left town as a Drow and never returned. I suspect he got himself killed.

Lin's sudden change of character surprised everyone, including me. Playing him was extremely emotional, but I'm glad to have met him :]

Jody Blackcurrant (F) / 10 / DERP (D&D Pokemon edit)

JODY IS SUCH A DERP. She went on a sweet Pokemon adventure with her older brother, her older brother's friend, and a very confusing cousin of the friend with no determinable gender. Jody left town with a Psyduck and ended up with a Sunkern, a very sad Hoppip whom she later learned she ripped from his life-mate, and a Machop. Over the course of the adventure I think Jody learned that the world is a somewhat scary place, acquired a mortal enemy (a Team Rocket tank named Tank) and maybe saved the world? Who knows! Jody's alignment is Chaotic Jody and she likes ice cream. After the campaign ended she released the Hoppip and currently trains MARTIAL ARTS! with Machop.

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