Title: Stand by you [One-Shot]
Pairings: YooSu, JaeChun
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Angst(a little I think)
A/N: Sorry for my bad english and the grammar mistakes. I tried my best (x_X)'. Inspiration for this short writing was the song "Stand by u".
Two years have passed, since he had to carry his lover to grave. No, actually, these were only 729 days. Only the next day these were exactly two years. And exactly this certainty tormented him more than ever before. All thoughts floated again around his angel whose absence he could not take yet. Why was he torn from him at that time only so suddenly from the arms? Why this accident only had to happen? Every day he looked for the answer, but it was never given him even to some extent.
His heart was eaten up formally by this feeling of loneliness which surrounded him constantly. Even his best friend could not help him from the hole in which he had proceeded by himself. All the same how often Jaejoong tried to mend his heart, it simply opened over and over again if he thought back to the wonderful years with his angel. How much he still loved him after these two years. How much he wanted to keep him again in his arms, to feel his warmth, to hear his voice and to see just in his wonderful brown eyes which could say more than thousand words.
With tears on the cheeks he sat on the ground of her common, small flat and looked lost in thought at her last common picture that Jaejoong had shot for them. He could hear the words of that time again in his head and went with the finger about the paper, wanted to touch his big love at least so still just once. However, also this did not help which fill emptiness in his inside again. Softly he filed the picture on the ground and rose to this, went with light steps to the kitchen and took one of the knives from the block.
Yoochun was not able any more and only wanted to finish his life. Often he had tried it, however, every time Jaejoong had burst in and had held him from it. However, this time he would not hold him certainty from it, because he was not in the town. Even if it hurt him also let down his best friend, he was not able any more. The pain tore him simply with every day more and it should stop. He wanted to be only free, fly to his angel and let never again go this.
He did not hear how his door was unlocked and just when he wanted to knife, he heard a loud shout. "No, Yoochun, not!"
From shock he dropped the knife and saw in the eyes of Jaejoong, whom the tears ran through the cheek. "Yoochun... please don't do this anymore... please..." Pain resonated in his voice and when he sank then weeping to the ground, Yoochun freed from his stiffness, went carefully to him and knelt before him. "Jaejoong... how....?"
He didn't want his best friend so to see. He didn't want that he saw it and less he wanted that he cried. He should not cry around a person who had not earned the tears from others.
Sobbing Jaejoong looked at the other, his face took in both hands and placed a gentle kiss on his full lips, however, freed itself so fast again as the kiss had come. "The wind has whispered it to me....", he hardly whispered audible.
"The wind...?"
"Yes. he said me, I should also preserve you from a big stupidity.... as well as all the other times before it...." With his tearful eyes he looked at Yoochun and his lips shook to suppress a sobbing. "Yoochun. I know, how much you miss Junsu.... I miss him also very much, but to take from yourself the life would not bring together you again.... You would commit a big sin and you would be also separated from each other.... And do you think that he had wanted this? Do you think he would have wanted that you spend your life in loneliness...? You know, he always wanted that you become happy...... also without him..."
Yoochun had closed the eyes, the face of his beloved angel in his mind, who smiled at him, healso remembered how they had talked about this subject.
Promise me Yoochun that you, if something should ever happen to me, find someone else with which you become happy? My love to you will go beyond the grave, but if I am not any more with you, you should also not be alone....
A hot tear ran through his cheek and he tied the arms around Jaejoong, pressed him softly to his body and simply cried again. He had never thought of loving someone else. He not even knew whether he was able generally in addition, because his heart simply indicated so many rips which also the time had not been able to cure.
"Please, Yoochun... do not leave me..... I was always happy that you had somebody who brought you to smile and has done everything for you. However, now I see only how you destroy yourself. Yoochun, I need you really. Already so long...." Again Jaejoong took the face of the other in his hands, stroked with the thumbs softly the tears aside and looked deeply in his sad eyes. "I know that I can never substitute for him, but allows to help me you to cure your wounds slowly...."
Together they stood with hooked up fingers before the grave of the angel and laid a bunch of white roses on this. White like the innocence, that Junsu had always emitted. For a while they stood silently side by side and thought to her friend who was for each of the both of great importance, even if this differed with them.
When they went then hand to hand the way again from the place of the rest, they could not see how an angel watched them. A gentle smile adorned his lips when a tear ran through his cheek. "Pay attention well to him and remain on his side... as well as I...." The wind carried these breathed words to the new found lovers and they turned round once again to the grave. But there they saw nobody more, only two white feathers slowly floated to ground, before the wind carried them away.