Okay, so following last night, I've decided on a course of action. I'm going to write a serious journal entry, every day, for 30 days, in an attempt to make it a habit. This thing has languished far too long, and I'd actually like to use it to peer into my past self when I'm older.
- Your entry must be substantial (at least 250 words). This is not a requirement, but a guideline.
- Memes, pictures, and online quizzes are allowed, but either they must be accompanied by actual journal content or you must post a separate entry with journal content. You cannot post only a meme and call that your entry.
- You cannot repeat subjects unless there's been a substantial change since the last time you wrote about it.
- Tag your entries by content, not by the mood of your post. (i.e., "suck," "angst," and such are prohibited.)