Life Update 2012

Jul 04, 2012 23:54

tobin: I need a life update - what are you doing these days? This is LJ - you can't just spam us. (-:

Hmm. Well, I released TumbleDots. ;) If I could live on $100 a year, I'd be doing comfortably with all the flash games I've released with advertising through Mochi Media and Kongregate. I'm expecting...less, at this point, with iPhone apps. Hopefully I can get enough of them rolling to at least pay for the yearly $100 app store license. But that's hobby stuff.

Other hobby stuff is...still writing, fiction and poetry, though less than I used to. Just...too much going on. Or priorities shifting without my knowledge. Or something.

Trying to get GUD Issue 7 out (for the last two years!?).

My day job shifted from work-at-home web development down in Los Angeles (HandBrewed) to an awesome startup in Berkeley (where I was, for a while, commuting back to Los Angeles (Acton) on weekends...) doing C++/Qt LIDAR/GPS/GIS-type stuff...and other stuff I can't talk about...that got bought ought and chopped to pieces.

To another (better! smaller! awesomer!) slow-burn startup (of 15 years?) developing software and systems for the blind and aging, to help them be more independent. (Blindsight). Our first app is in submission with Apple right now (the TextDetector on the website). It's a first stab at making a semi-realtime text detector / OCR system (using TesseractOCR as the backend for OCR) that's super-accessible.

Amy's mostly moved up to Berkeley with me, so I'm not traveling back and forth so much (more like once a month we go down to Los Angeles to visit her parents); we still have the house down there, still under water on it, still don't know what to do with it other than keep it from burning down ((*@#&$(* weed clearance). She's finished her coursework at UCLA working towards a PhD in statistics (emphasis on computer vision), and is doing research until she or her professor decides she's done. :)

Did I leave anything out? :) Yes! And probably more.

ETA: I sold (well, gave) my motorcycle to a friend who will treat it much better than I ever did; I haven't been riding lately because I've been back in Berkeley, walking everywhere. I do like walking. :) I can walk to work.

Amy totaled her car last year (she's fine), and we finally got a new one a few months ago. It's odd having a nice, new car. We don't really drive it much (well, except down to Los Angeles occasionally, and to visit my folks in Sacramento on a roughly weekly basis).

What else, what else? My weight has been up and down, but I'm working out a little (Amy's convinced me she likes muscles). But I don't stick with it, like I don't stick with anything (like trying to learn Chinese, or...following up on the majority of my projects-in-progress). We're trying to go for daily walks, and the occasional bike ride (bikes courtesy of my parents :) ).

We got into geocaching for a little while, and might again (whatever's a reasonably short hike), but...dunno. :)

Amy's really gotten into farmers' markets, and cooking new/different things based on seasonal vegetables (generally from one specific cookbook/website that does well by us).

I'm pretty prolific on twitter, and lately using FaceBook a surprising (to me?) amount. I sporadically lose time to new iOS games (playing them), and trying to promote stuff, and bemoaning my lack of time....

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