(no subject)

Apr 12, 2006 10:15

Name: Kaede Arakaki
Age: 17
Star sign: Cancer
Grade Average:C

History: Kaede was only young when her father died of cancer. From then on in her family began to struggle with money. Her mother soon picked up a career in being a Nanny for children, but it caused them to move around a lot. It even resulted in her older sister, Takara, moving out, and getting work to buy her own place, although Kaede and er remain close. So when Kaede was around seven, her mother got a new job, working in the Matano residence. It wasn’t long before she had made a close companionship with their second daughter, Kaori. Permantly from then on in, it was Kaede and Kaori. They have been best friends since. She attended the local school around the corner and convinced Kaori’s mother that Kaori should also attend it with her. She isn’t poor as much any more, considering all her needs are mainly based around the Matano family, and her mother, Anda, and Kaori’s mother Leiko, became best friends too. It all worked out together, even leaving Takara even wanting to come home…but resisting.

Appearance: Kaede is a pretty, petite girl. She has a wild fashion sense, and loves pink clothes. She likes to stand out. She is around 5ft3 and weighs around 7 ½ to 8st. Her hair is mid length and is dark in color.



Kind, Funny, Pretty, Gentle, Fashionable, Happy, Modest, Loyal.


Dependant on Kaori, Constantly Hyper, Finds it difficult in most situations to be serious, Easily pressurized, Doesn’t trust easily.
{She can be quite opposite to Kaori at times.}

Overnight bag: Make-up, her guitar pick, spare clothes, a notebook, pencil case, sunglasses, friendship bracelet from Kaori, and some jewelry.

Father: She can’t remember

Mother-Anda Arakaki Her mom is trendy and young, she likes music, and carrying on with kids. She is the perfect Nanny. Doesn’t have an aversion to hanging our with her daughter and Kaori. Best friends with Leiko Matano.

Sibling-Takara Arakaki:
She’s a head stong, independent, intellegent yound woman, who is nineteen. She is always smiling and happy, even if she’s not actually content. Kaede and her have a close bond and relationship.

Extra-Curricular Activites: She plays guitar in music and likes to attend numerous band practises. She’d love to part take in Drama, but she can’t really act, although she does well in swim team and track running.

Classroom Behaviour: She’s loud and disruptive. She dances around the class and sings loudly…always in detention.

Classroom Clique: Popular. Due to Kaori’s friendship.

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