So today I was told I got the highest grade of my class.
The teachers asked a classmate and I for a second and told us we had the highest grades of our respective classes (as in him being in class A and me in class B). The school gives a gift to these students on graduation, so I'll be looking forward to it. (Mainly because ... it will somehow mean that I'm not leaving empty handed, in comparison to those few who got a rain of gifts the other because they participated in showy sports in the last couple of years).
Funny because I'm the one that never studied, I was never responsible with school at all. I just tried to memorize as much as possible the day before the test and somehow did very good. I've never studied a week before a test, or done my homework, or... whatever. Makes me feel a bit guilty because everyone else studies hard and that. And I didn't cheat either (just this year, a bit, and then after the middle of the year a bit more, because I stopped caring about.. school in general), and everyone never believed me when I said "i don't know anything! I'll fail this thing ;;" because somehow I got a good grade. That it was the truth, that I didn't know anything, was even funnier.
That's how I got through school. My final grade (approximated) should be around... 6,8 (out of 7,0). The other guy is either 6,7 / 6,8 / 6,9. We'll be told this Wednesday.
To think that teachers thought I was a great student and whatever else. I'm just... lucky? I'm such a bad role model, seriously."Remember kids, all you need to do is play all week long, and then read the stuff the night before the test. You'll do great".