Tonight the family re-watched Day of Black Sun and the next episode, because we'd taken a rather long break and couldn't quuuiiiiiite remember what happened in DoBS. And I noticed some things.
First: Aang's eyes are brown! Or kinda greyish! And not too shiny! THEY ARE NOT BLUE THIS IS A BIG DEAL OKAY.
Second: I really, really like the portrayal of women in this show, but the person I really want to talk about is Azula. We see her as a very good villain, in a way better than her father, but we also end up seeing that much of her bitterness, and consequently her skill, comes from being a)not her mother's favorite, but without an affectionate father, and b)A GIRL. It's pretty openly said, although I may be misremembering, that much of her problems came from always, always having to prove herself, because she doesn't get a title as a matter of course. She has to work, all the time, and she can't ever let her guard down. It's now my headcanon that Azula's always wary because she knows how many people resent her. If she showed an inch of give, she would be knocked down, because the Fire Nation is not actually advanced enough for people *not* to try to kick a woman off a position of power.
Third: Woah. This is how you know it's not Disney. Slipping crap past the radar indeed! Zukl left his departure note for Mai on the double bed in the room with a rather good etching of the two of them on the wall, implying that they are, you know, sleeping together.
Fourth: Kickass old lady soldier! Woohooo!
Fifth and Final: One thing I saw especially in DoBS. When Toph and Aang are infiltrating the secret bunker, there isn't even a question of whether or not Sokka's going to come, even though he's a good fighter, and you'de think those would be supposed to stay on the battlefield. I don't know if he was *intended* merely for comedic effect and someone for Azula to heckle, but the way I see it simple: they need a smart person. Sokka makes plans, and *that's* why he's special. Even when everyone's depressed and down in the dumps, Sokka is the one to figure out where they are going and how they can actually do stuff. Even if he is crap at speeches in front of and entire army (I mean who wouldn't be), he figures out how to get around the problems. This is why I love this show. It understands the value of a thinker.