I saw Captain America~
No big long discussion this time, but still behind the cut for spoilers.
The makeup and costuming was superb, Peggy is my favorite ever (especially when she *wore pants* and *punched that guy*), and Steve Rogers was kept in character.
I already knew Bucky's story, and I like what they changed (making him Steve's childhood friend). Even so, I spent a good minute muttering "he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive".
It is kind of sad that Peggy, set in WWII, managed to wear pants more frequently and be more badass than most women in movies set now. She even kept her entire shirt on at all time! And it had sleeves and no cleavage, even!
Soooooooo goooooooooooood. And funny without being crass, which is not something I expect when going into a theater.