Title: First Failure
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Mello/Near
Notes: Not beta-ed.
Near never look into any of their eyes.
For as long as Mello could remember, that was the one thing which annoyed the bejeezus out of him. It was always a split-second glance to acknowledge someone's presence - sometimes he doesn't even bother - or looking elsewhere.
To Mello, he was such an eyesore. Painfully alone and quiet; refusing almost all interactions. He often wondered if Roger had gone mad for accepting such a baby to their prestigious institution. Mello always thought 'prestigious institution' sounded more appropriate than a damn orphanage anyway since it was filled with brilliant-minded kids.
And when all of the brilliant-minded kids failed to get Near's attention, he told them to watch him as he would transform the loner and make their jaws drop.
He always like a challenge.
Mello started to hang around in the playroom; mostly when Near was alone. It was extremely awkward. He glanced at the toys but was too reluctant to start from there. Mello would always raised his eyebrows at the robots and rubber ducks and, not like he cared but, wished Near would grow the hell out of those soonest possible.
So he tried conversations. That was a bad attempt.
Deadpanned Near would not budge nor allow him any chance for in-depth dialogue.
In the end, he gave up and tried to build blocks and attempted to have robot wars. He never dream that he will touch those toys. But he would do anything to accomplish something which the others were not able to.
So when Near started eyeing him from the corner of his eyes, Mello thought he was going to win. Looking at it as a positive response and instead of crossing over to his line immediately, Mello wanted Near to come to him. To approach him on his own accord. It would make his victory sweeter.
Then days went by and time dragged on and the most Mello gained was Near's cold and vacant stares.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Near marked the first failure for Mello.