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Comments 4

Hi! This has nothing to do with your entry. This is Jeanette again. estein December 10 2006, 16:26:22 UTC
Hiah! Know it's been a while since I've contacted you, but I've been living under a rock. Anyway, I made myself a MySpace, and this morning I got a message from a plac called Sweetfox.com. It's a place for underground artists such as ourselves to sell art. I thought, Hell, this is in Seatle, I sould tell Krys about it. So here I am, telling you. By the way, that MySpace URL is http://www.myspace.com/portraitjems
I'm doing portraits and I have given up on CafePress.


Re: This is Jeanette again. kaotiqua January 6 2007, 09:27:45 UTC
This is me- Happy all that stuff n' stuff.... Just thought I'd toss you a YOP! To let you know I'm alive, and not deliberately ignoring you... just flakey. Flakiness is me. I'm totally pastry people... (sweet but flakey, y'know...) NOT gonna tell you all the latest, since it's been so long... impossible to catch up with all of it. Karla sent me a calendar- you're looking well, and congratulations, on everything! (never had a chance to say that...)

My e-mail is the kaotiqua one, if you have that. If not.. er... just say so here, and I'll catch up with you and get it to you somehow.


Re: This is Jeanette again. estein January 10 2007, 15:49:52 UTC
Um, yeah, since I had baby No. 2 I no longer have the old jkahle@Bestsigns email address. I just wrote you here so that I wouldn't have to go through the same filtering process that I did last time. I'm lazy.


YOP! estein January 16 2007, 19:55:04 UTC

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