Glee Thoughts

Sep 20, 2011 21:01

Nothing too deep--I was cooking at the same time as I was watching, so I'm sure I missed a few things...

-I think my favorite plot line in the episode was Rachel and Kurt's pre-college journey and discovering as Kurt said, that outside of McKinley, "We're not even stuff." Harmony/Lindsay from The Glee Project really killed that number, and the Kurt-alikes were pretty hilarious, too. I'm already getting the feeling from that teary car conversation that Rachel is going to get into NYU/Tisch and Kurt is going to find another dream this season. It just makes sense from a storytelling perspective that if you're going to have two characters take the same journey, they need to get different things out of that journey, or why send two, you know? (Also, yay for finding another use for Emma that doesn't involve Will! College counseling, by a guidance counselor! Whoda thunk?)

-Not really feeling Mercedes's new boyfriend yet. I do miss Sam a bit, but it's mostly that the cocoa babies line/joke didn't play nearly as well for me as the other kids' futures--especially the Rachel and Kurt mile-a-minute taking-over-the-world-by-age-twenty-five stuff.

-All the songs were fun. I'm betting "You Can't Stop the Beat" will be the one stuck in my head tomorrow.

-I think the funniest bit with Sugar was her watching Puck do push-ups on the lunch table.

-I like the set-up for Santana's conflict. I like how she says, hey, Cheerios is for us, not for Sue, and let's be on two winning teams. She should be able to be; it's Sue (and a little Will) who're putting her in a position where she has to pick allegiances. I really like that she's willing to lock horns with Becky, too.

-Adults: Is Sue running for national or state office? I think this storyline would be a lot more believable if it were state, but hey, Glee. Will has yet to win me over. Coach Beiste remains consistently awesome.

-Hmm, who else...Finn's "I don't know what I'm going to do" growing terror seems realistic, I like the direction they're headed with Mike and expect Tina to get tugged along on that story, Blaine's performance was fun but his reason for transferring was really half-assed (c'mon, room 'o writers! you can do better than that!), props to Brittany and her time machine, and I miss Puck/Lauren already.

-Reserving judgment on where the Quinn thing goes. I missed most of her scene with the Skanks due to a pot almost boiling over. I'm really hoping the Ryan Seacrest tattoo is henna or something, though.

I was going to answer meme questions tonight, but I think I'd better clean my place a bit and then head to bed. Tomorrow!
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