Funneh Feeling = 3 =

Jul 20, 2007 21:00

*sigh* i have this funny feeling but please don't hate me for saying this but...
i have a feeling that my asian friends hate me >.<
Yeah thats how i feel right now = 3 = cuz i mean like when i hang out

w/ them i feel like that they want 2 avoid me and ignore me. Especially the moms cuz
they mostly talk about me and i'm not sure if its in a
good way or ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

xxkasumixx July 21 2007, 15:23:33 UTC
LOL Throughout the whole thing I was like "Fine!", and had a buncha smart things to say, but your last line ruined it all... DX

WELL, it's not my fault I don't go to your school. I'm in HIGH SCHOOL!!! Dun dun DUUUU-UHN~

Nobody avoids you... Who avoids you??
I'm clueless....
I think you're just insecure because I'm not there with you.
XDDDD I am SOOOOO not vain.


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