I had a really strange dream last night, which is a lot of repetitive imagery from the last week, but combined with a few reoccurring themes in my dreams which lead me to question their origin...
It started out on a family vacation.. I'm in the car with my family riding up a mountain to get to the "highest point". The roads are tremendously narrow, a one lane road about 3/4 the size of a real lane, with only small mud curbs to prevent you from falling off... not much, to say the least. I'm not a fearful person normally, but in the dream I was plastered against the back of the seat I was so terrified. This winding road overlooked a pretty large suspended bridge, which brought me back to a dream where I had slipped off a bridge like this and fell off. My heart was racing.
The imagery flips to onlooking the side of the "highest point".... where the lowest point you can see almost looks like it's back at your heels instead of your toes. My gut churns.
The dream switches to us on the beach, Leon and I are enjoying a day out with my family.. When an overcast shadow looms over us out of nowhere. We look up to see a absolutely gigantic tidal wave, (I remember thinking in the dream, "Why did we come to Hawaii after the tsunami anyways?!") which looked to be over 20 stories tall... The curl of the wave was so far over us that it blocked out the sun.... We ran...
We ran to our vacation home/hotel... and nothing happened. No water racing down the streets, nothing.. Just waiting for something to happen.
I left the hotel to venture out into the streets, to find out what was going on. I wound up running into Charlie Sheen at the back entrance way.
(Note: I rarely ever meet anyone I don't see on a day to day basis in my dreams. It's rather bizarre to have a celeb cameo!)
I initiated the "Oh my god I can't believe its Charlie Sheen!" reaction, and asked him a whole bunch of questions. For some reason he performed a musical rendition of something (in jest), I think even to say a Lil Wayne track or something else ridiculous. I tried to record it, but wound up taking blurry photos instead. We hung out for a while, I think we grabbed coffee or drinks or something. By the end of it, I wanted to take a picture with him.. and couldn't man my camera! I took two photos with no flash (in a dark back alley) and then tried one with my cellphone (which sucks even more!). I never had the chance to grab a good one (or even one you could see!) I was sooo disappointed! Even when I woke up :c
Aaaaannd I woke up drowsy enough that I believed it was true for a little while. The dream was so vivid, I haven't had one like this in ages! ..... and of all topics, none the less :P
I look forward to looking a little more into the reoccurring themes of my dreams like these (fear of heights/bridges/water/disasters) and offering some resolution for whatever emotions are at work.