This is going to be pretty easy. I am not going to over complicate this at all because otherwise it would suck xD This will be an easy exchange. What you need to do to be a part of it is comment here to let me know. Please don't say you're going to join if you have no intention of doing anything or know you won't have time to complete something. I'll leave registration open for five days. Once it's over no one else can join!
After that I'll take all the usernames I've allotted and set up groups of partners. If there is an uneven amount of people I will either do a trade with you or set up a group of three. So don't worry everyone will get something in return! When you've been assigned your partner you can either reply to their comment here or message them to find out what they'd like.
This was originally going to be a fic exchange but I've decided to open it up. Feel free to write, draw, make gifs or icons, FSTs, etc. whatever you want. Just make sure it's alright with your partner. It's best to let them know what you're going to do.
There will not be a time limit on when you have to complete your trade but please be reasonable! Once you've finished you can post it in your journal and send me the link. I'll have a master list of all the trades here so everyone can see them and enjoy!
Most important thing is to have fun! So please keep that in mind : D
Registration is CLOSED
Partners List:
impalabot -
polycistronic freevo -
atari_puncher aniay -
kalaryx netbug009 -
darthneko evvj -
drakesfyre lady_katana4544 -
raisedbymoogles dinogrrl -
silvanna agentak -
ocelli thedivine9 -
illucien lyricality -
kyrialis heslestor -
lady_oneiros onyx17 -
kapricia There was an uneven number of people so I threw myself into the mix. If you registered and you aren't on the list please let me know I'm only human xD Now go message your partner! : D
When you've finished your half of the trade plz message me with the link so I can post it here so everyone can see :3