I had a powerglove. I bought it because of The Wizard. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098663/ I played with it for about five minutes total then I put it back in the box. It was simultaneously the most humiliating and frustrating videogame playing experience I've ever had. I couldn't even get Mario to walk forward right. I was twitching like an epileptic, and Mario had just gone insane: leaping about, running one way, stopping, then going another, sitting down, and crying mushrooms. If they could have programmed a dog to walk by and laugh at me at that moment the event would have reached a bitter surreal quality only found in nightmares.
even the Wiimote is a pain in the ass. inaccurate gimmicky garbage. there's few things worse than flailing around trying to get the damn machine to accept your input via a bunch of vague gestures meant to perform a very specific action in the game that could be achieved accurately by a standard controller with dedicated buttons and button combinations, without room for interpretation by some lameass infrared sensor. i'm already playing a game about an italian plumber who beats up turtles and dragons and very large bullets and venus flytraps, by wolfing down mushrooms or flying via the use of a raccoon tail or cape, flowers that make you spit fireballs, or a bouncing star that makes you invulnerable, without the indignity of crying in frustration because that up down cock stroaking gesture i'm supposed to perform so that said italian plumber will jump once, isn't being received accurately by said ass-spelunking video game system.
Re: sorry Wii loverskaptin_jammerJune 3 2009, 20:32:00 UTC
Yeah, they're going to have to really prove this works. The more I think about it, the more I think it's, like the Wii, for little kids and old people. I don't think that most people who play games really find the controller that much of a distraction.
Re: sorry Wii loverspigfistJune 3 2009, 21:46:19 UTC
agreed. I've always been content with the layout of controllers for the most part. I felt the gamecube's controller fit quite comfortably on top of having plenty of buttons for commands, but have now grown very fond of the 360 controller which seems like probably the best control design to date. it feels comfortable, and with the exception of RTS games, it has as many buttons/inputs as I require. which is a lame exception. real time strategy games just benefit immensely from a keyboard and all that entails. I don't actually play many or for that matter enough PC games but I can see why people profess to liking PC gameplay over console. the controller does limit the amount of input possible. yet with proper or at least creative game design the controller seems to me perfectly adequate. would I like the option to use a keyboard/mouse combo with a console, sure. do I want to be required to physically perform the actions my in game character is making, no. would I like the option to use such a device, sure. it would be
( ... )
Re: sorry Wii loverskaptin_jammerJune 4 2009, 15:59:43 UTC
Indeed, though I think that the N64 controller was a notable exception. Speaking of console RTS, have you tried Halo Wars? As someone who does play RTS, I think the controls are about as good as we're going to get for a console.
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