
Mar 13, 2005 21:21

Hey guys*!!!

WOW what an AWESOME weekend*!!!!....

Well Thursday after school we headed to Roanoke to State Youth Convention!*!!....

We got there around 9:30 and hung out and stuff and went to bed!

Friday morning was the first day of youth convention we went to worship service and we sang and had a wonderful message from r speaker Tony Wolf*!!!..... ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

blonde_kc March 13 2005, 18:25:09 UTC
Hey hey*
What's up?!*
Well, You already know about my trip,
I'm glad that yours waz just as great!!
and I agree w/ you, friends in youth are tha BEST!!
But I'm gonna go,
Love you hun<33
Katie* XoXo


kara_03 March 13 2005, 18:39:06 UTC
Yeah, I am so glad u had a good one*
It was just so amazing!!!! :o)
I know they r like my family I love ALL of them so much*
Love Ya Katie!!!


amaggard March 14 2005, 05:27:12 UTC
Do you like working here???
...Woman gives stange look...
"Sir, plz stop hitting on the employees."


kara_03 March 14 2005, 13:56:29 UTC
HaHa*! We will never forget that look on that womens face*!!!....LOL


x_im_0nly_me_x March 16 2005, 09:45:52 UTC
Hey, I don't know if I told you already, but I noticed that you joined eL_jAyS_fiNeSt but you never posted an application. Please do so within 24 hours or you will be banned. <3


_rrh March 16 2005, 19:21:06 UTC

hey i haven't left you a comment in a while so I thought i would!

Trust me once baseball starts you'll see me again! lol.. I'll be at hopfully a lot of Tyler's games! lol

Love ya!


alliecat_09 March 17 2005, 20:22:50 UTC

... )


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