Here's the drabble requested by
hai_kah_uhk. It's just over 100 words, but ah well.
Sitting in the councilors’ office of yet another public school, Zach slouched in an uncomfortable wooden chair and considered the day that had passed.
He was about to be expelled for ‘fighting.’ One eye swollen shut behind an icepack, lip split and bleeding, a bruise blossoming purpleblack across his cheek - he hadn’t started it, it wasn’t his fault, but theydidn’t listen.
They didn’t listen, wouldn’t even if he toldhim. They would blame him, they-no, it didn’t matter anymore. He would go home and, if he were lucky, have a few weeks solitude and calm before having to deal with life’s social arenas once again…
And.. now for that 5 questions meme.. My answers to which will be behind a cut to avoid clutter, as they're pretty long. >>;
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you
five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with
the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an
offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment
asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
chauni's questions:
1) I know you are an artistic person. What happens when you have an artistic block, where that energy to create is there, but everything won't come out? How do you work through it? What are your feelings?
I.. really hate artistic blocks, where I have ideas but can't make them come out right on paper. Normally when I'm having problems with it, I either try to find inspiration -- listen to music, read, etc. -- or just take a break a while and try to do something else. Lately I lean toward the latter moreso than the former, I haven't been creating very much. Actually, I guess they're both kind of the same thing, as trying to find inspiration is kind of like taking a break. Heh.
2) What was the first roleplaying character you ever created? Which one is closest to your heart? First roleplaying character I ever created? That's, actually, a pretty tough question, as I'm not sure how to gauge it. I'll not count the pretend games me and friends played when we were real little, playing at being other people. My first online roleplay character was Lucied from Wild Arms -- most of my early characters were either non-original, or fancharacters, actually. My first really serious roleplay character was probably Rose from Legend of Dragoon. After that I started moving away into making my own more original characters. It's hard to say which is closest to my heart -- I guess Gadreel fills that. He is certainly my favorite, for all that I hardly play him anymore.
3) What is one event that awed you, moved you, and left you completely speechless?
I'm actually not sure I've been through an event that's left me like that. I've been shaken before, but that's not the same. I'm not sure what the closest to that would be -- flying in an airplane for the first time was kind of awe-inspiring, watching the ground drop away and looking at everything really small from way up high..
4) What weather do you find enhances your mood to create art? Is there a certain season that you work better in?
I want to say rain, as I feel more creative when it's raining, but really.. it seems easier to create art in classes. I hardly do anything at home, there's always something else here to distract me -- whereas, at school/in class it's either time set aside to do just that with little to no distraction, or it's being used as a means to waste time while I'm waiting between/after classes. That wasn't what you asked, 'though. I think I get more done in Winter -- because of the free-time, and because I'm usually trying to get things done for specific people by a deadline. (For all that deadlines end up making me put things off up until the last minute, at least I usually end up getting them done -- when I don't have a deadline, half the time I end up putting something aside and forgetting to finish it..)
5) Is there someone in your life who you don't speak to anymore, but want to? What would you say to them if you could?
I kind of think it would be interesting to talk to Robyn again -- my 'best friend' for a long time up until.. around the start of middle school, I think. She moved to Arizona during elementary school, but we had still talked for a long while after that, and she came out to visit. I'd kind of like to see how she's changed, how she's grown and if I would recognize her. I'm not really sure what I would say, exactly, but it would be interesting. (Of course, there are other people that I haven't spoken to in a while, and really wish I did, among them: Ramiro, Youji and Em', and Drak, mainly. However they're less 'long-gone' than Robyn.. I also wish I talked to Amanda more, but I'm not really sure what we can talk about.. heh.)
peacefulchaos's questions:
1. Where does your passion and interest in angels originate from? Did it start with a story, with the original mythology, with a roleplay? What is it about them that you are so strongly drawn to? Do you have any demonic creatures, like anti-Angels? What is the most enjoyable part of playing supernatural creatures, and are there any other creatures of the like that you've never played, but want to?
I'm not entirely sure where it originated -- I've been interested in angels and winged creatures for such a long time now. I don't remember if I was fond of the original mythology when I was first getting interested in them, I do remember, 'though, that before the big angel-boom I was extremely interested in Norse mythology (I'm still intrigued by it, but it isn't nearly as big a thing to me as angels and the like). I know that playing through the first Soul Reaver game and looking up the meanings of all of the names piqued my interest and started me buying books on them -- kind of funny. Now I enjoy learning more about the real mythology -- it's weird to explain my interest in angels, sometimes, because I am not interested in the religion much beyond them (whereas, it's easier to explain interest in other supernatural beings from different religions -- I guess because they're less current). Similarly, I'm not entirely sure what draws me to them, I just.. really like the idea. As I said before, I've always been intrigued by winged-creatures, and I guess that lead into it. I'm not too sure what you meant by anti-Angels -- I do have a handful of demonic creatures sharing brainspace, some of them are based on mythology whereas others aren't. 'though I am, particularly, drawn to fallen angels, and it's kind of hard to separate them with demons -- like say, Phenex and Ose are referred to in mythology as demons, however it also says that they were once of such-and-such choir, and technically that should make them fallen angels. You get what I mean? But I do have a few non-fallen demon-types. And there are other supernatural creatures that I'd like to try playing, but haven't gotten around to -- I tend to focus around Biblical mythos, but I do think it would be fun to try creatures from other mythology. I tend to find supernatural creatures more interesting than more normal creatures/humans.. I guess because of the mythology attached to them. There's meaning, and it adds elements to roleplay/writing that wouldn't be there otherwise (I'm having some trouble thinking up a specific example right now, and this has gotten pretty long already, so I'll leave off there.)
2. As a fellow long-weird-dream-sufferer, what sort of influence do your dreams have on you in an artistic or literary basis? Have you ever been inspired to plot something based on a dream you had before?
Yep! I have on occasion. I use to try to pull some of the weird-dream stuff into the things I wrote about Tysthet, and I've tried to write at least two or three short stories based on dreams that I've had -- I know for certain one of those is unfinished and sitting in My Documents right now, I'm not so sure about the others, I might have lost them. I've also gotten ideas for art based on dreams, but not so much recently -- I remember when I was big on writing for and roleplaying my old Asura/Vassago combo, Vassago's appearance ended up being based almost entirely off a 'sorceror' that I had dreamed up during the time.
3. What motivates you, above all else? Be as specific as you'd like.
Can I be as non-specific as I like? ;p But. I don't really know. Right now just surviving the rest of this semester with my self and sanity intact seems like good motivation. And I can't let myself die, not without having something published. Thus, I'll be around at the very least until I've got my novel written. *grin* (Considering it's not even started, that should be a long while, huh?)
4. Was there ever a point in your life that was perfect to you, and has since passed? What about it made it so wonderful, and would you go back to it if you could?
Mm. Hard question. I used to think, being with Chris was perfect. However I've since decided that it wasn't and that I was probably just deluding myself into thinking that. I wanted to think it was perfect, you know? So I made myself think that, and I tried to change how I acted to fit that, changed how I talked and all.. Really it wasn't, 'though. And I wouldn't go back. I wonder that life might have been perfect when I was a little kid, and was ignorant of all of this serious stuff and was perfectly happy to run around with the cats and pretend I was a lion/wolf/unicorn/whatever else I pretended at being. >>;
5. What is the longest-running childhood dream you had? Are you still pursuing it?
Hmm. Well, I always wanted to do something with animation and writing -- I guess I am still kind of pursuing that. Moreso the writing than animation. I still think I could possibly write short stories, at least, that could be published and that people might like. Animation has been proven to be far too hard (mainly in the 'group-work' part -- ah, I seem to be bad with that sort of thing), and has switched to the possibility of maybe writing my own comic (which would encompass the writing kinda too!). I also used to want to be a veterinarian when I was a kid, but Anatomy classes have taught me that that ain't happening, I'm fine with just having lotsa pets. I just have cats now, but I still want to get a dog, and am planning to get a cornsnake (the only snag in that is that, living with my mom, she is very against this snake idea. >>;)
And I think that's all. I should probably get my crap together for class tomorrow and get to sleep.