Because I'm all about the bandwagon.
For those of you who *don't* know Angel canon...
(What? You haven't? Where've you been living, under a rock?)
About Caritas
Caritas was a fictional demon-friendly karaoke bar in the television series Angel. Caritas made its first appearance in season two's Judgment episode, and its final appearance in season three's Lullaby.
Caritas was run by Lorne, who was at the beginning known simply as 'The Host'. Caritas was a sanctuary, where humans, demons, and vampires alike could enter without a fight breaking out. There was a spell cast on Caritas so that demons could not commit any acts of violence inside it. Lorne could read the aura of a person by hearing them sing, leading to people performing karaoke in the bar so that he could assist them with personal problems. Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn, Fred, Lindsey, and Darla are just some of the people that used Lorne's services at Caritas.
Caritas was later destroyed by old friends of Gunn, who were randomly killing demons, and Lorne realized that humans are still able to commit acts of violence in his so-called sanctuary. This occurs in the episode That Old Gang of Mine. In Offspring, Caritas is rebuilt, with the spell fixed so that neither humans nor demons are able to commit acts of violence; but, shortly before its reopening, Holtz destroyed Caritas again. Lorne closed it down permanently and moved into the Hyperion Hotel before eventually moving to Wolfram and Hart as the head of their entertainment division.
About Lorne:
Krevlornswath Of The Deathwok Clan was born in the demonic dimension, Pylea. Lorne, as he preferred to be called, wasn't like his fellow Deathwok clan demons; bloodthirsty "champions" constantly undertaking quests against evil. He was a gentle soul who did not share his kin's prejudice against humans (or "cows" as they were called in his world). Lorne would rather flirt and enjoy life then train to be a "fighter" and refused to train his innate mystical senses to learn to hunt beasts and was considered the shame of his clan.
In 1996, he happened upon a dimensional portal and was sucked through it. He landed in Los Angeles and discovered music and culture like he never imagined. He learned to hone his mystical senses to read people's auras, but found it easiest to do so when they sang, bearing their souls. He decided to open up a karoke bar on the spot he arrived on Earth, an old abandoned building. He named the bar Caritas, the Latin word for mercy. The bar became a success from the ambigiously evil Los Angeles underground scene.
Lorne was always reluctant to help out Angel and the other heroes of the series, though his essential goodness usually won out over his reticence. Lorne's complex and often surprising personality fit well by a series that delighted in thwarting the viewers' expectations. However, in the show's fifth and final season, Lorne's kindness was slowly replaced by a growing cynicism and self-loathing of his position of positive "cheerleader" for Angel and friends. When Lorne's close friend, Fred, was murdered and her body usurped by an ancient demon god, Lorne became filled with despair which he kept secret from the rest of his equally heartbroken friends. By the conclusion of the series, Lorne announced he was leaving Los Angeles after carrying out his part in Angel's scheme to destroy the Circle of the Black Thorn. This included murdering long time enemy turned ally Lindsey McDonald, who in his final words muttered at the unfairness of being killed by Lorne and not his longtime rival Angel.
In his final scene, after shooting Lindsey with a pistol, a broken Lorne walks off into the darkness.
My Lorne
After the final episode of ATS, Lorne grabbed all the money he could from W&H and his days on the Vegas strip and ended up here in Fandom where he re-opened Caritas.
Lorne still does the whole aura reading thing. If you have any need for him to give you a reading, ping me with an e-mail giving me a general idea of what needs to be said and I'll translate it into Lorne-speak. Like all good bartenders, Lorne knows how to keep a secret. Basic rule of conduct? Lorne will not expose anything he finds while someone is singing unless you tell me to IC, OOC or OOG.
Lorne is still quite bitter about what happened in Los Angeles and will often have a very bad reaction to anyone from the Angel canon showing up in the bar. He has quite a bit of disdain for Angel, who he blames for the direction his life took. Depending on what Angel character shows up at the bar, Lorne may either shut down emotionally or just plain freak out.
Caritas has a bar that has virtually all the multi-verse drinks available to imbibe. There's a lounge for those who would like to sit and watch the show and the Stage where everyone can sing. A private room for parties or gatherings is also available upon request.
Caritas can only be opened by Lorne and his employees.
Mod an opening of Caritas and feel my wrath.
Current Employees are:
GOB (Who does his magic illusionist act every Friday Night)
Veronica Mars
Tino is the NPC bartender loosely stolen from My So-Called Life. If you need a drink and the PC running the place can't get to you, Tino is there to help you get liquored up.
The Zombie Band
The Zombie Band are a bunch of undead musicians who play for Lorne. They *handwave* know all the songs in the multi-verse, so feel free to stump them. They are kept under control by magical means that again I *handwave* so they will not attack any of the customers. As of this week they are now also available for outside occasions, including weddings, dances and bah mitzvahs. The drummer of the band has a loose head and occasionally needs some help with duct tape to keep it on.
The Sanctuary Spell
The bar itself has yet another sanctuary spell. While in canon depending on the whim of the writers this means that no violence can occur in the bar. In Fandom this means that right before a violent act occurs, you are whisked away to some other random place in
fandomtownies and you will not be able to access Caritas for the rest of the evening. Depending on who or what you need, both parties can be thrown out or only the one comitting the violence.
So if you plan on starting a fight, kindly give me a heads up a day ahead of time so that we can be prepared for it.
If you have any questions about Lorne or Caritas, ping me at oatmanspatientatgmaildotcom.
Canon information source