"A Fistful of Blanket" F-Troop drabble Agarn/Parmenter Rating-PG13

Dec 29, 2011 17:39

Title: A Fistful of Blanket
Fandom: F-Troop
Pairing: Corporal Agarn/Captain Parmenter (Implied Agarn/O'Rourke)
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 363. I couldn't let the year end without doing one more of these for everyone who enjoyed my F-Troop crack. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome ( Read more... )

drabble-a-day 2011, fanfic, slash, drabble, f troop

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Comments 6

vanillafluffy December 30 2011, 04:19:47 UTC
I''m sure it's been a long year. I loved your F-Troop crack, I'll miss it.

So, what's your recurring thing going to be for next year?



karaokegal December 30 2011, 19:04:28 UTC
Next year is going to be about getting my life back and spending time off-line. You'll probably see a bit less of me on LJ.

I had so much fun writing the F-Troop crack. I think that definitely goes down as one of the high-lights of the year, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.


ladygray99 December 30 2011, 15:51:39 UTC
Only you could have written this. It's not a bad thing.


karaokegal December 30 2011, 19:04:53 UTC
Thanks sweetie! It's been a crazy year, but the F-Troop stuff is certainly a high-light.


damigella_314 December 30 2011, 18:51:06 UTC
For unclear reasons, all I could think of was "Damn, I should have asked for a slash version of Operation Petticoat." Maybe you'll still do it, sometime.

to the barracks, Rourke/Roarke, missing double quotes after right. I can't help it any more than Wilson can help philandering.



karaokegal December 30 2011, 18:56:16 UTC
THANK YOU! I can barely see straight with these things anymore. One of the best things about the year being over will be giving my eyes a rest.

Operation Petticoat, the Cary Grant/Tony Curtis movie? Hmmmmm. I'll have to think about that. You might want to see if anyone's ever written it for yuletide.


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