"Every Time I Dream" BBC Sherlock drabble John/OFC, John/Sherlock Rating-G

Dec 30, 2011 16:53

Title: Every Time I Dream
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Pairings: John/OFC, John/Sherlock
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 364. Prompt from holmes100. Prompt: Photograph. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Boundaries? Not when the game is afoot.

The Final Countdown-ONE MORE DAY! )

sherlock bbc, holmes100, sherlock holmes, fanfic, drabble, drabble-a-day 2011, sherlock holmes/john watson, slash

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Comments 9

book_junkie007 December 31 2011, 01:45:53 UTC
Awesome. :)

Tomorrow and you're done, yay!


karaokegal December 31 2011, 04:45:54 UTC

Almost. :)


unfeathered December 31 2011, 11:21:16 UTC

I do love your talent for getting such a lot into 100 words. :-)


karaokegal December 31 2011, 21:36:18 UTC
Thanks! I've appreciated your comments and concrit, including typo catches throughout the year.


unfeathered December 31 2011, 21:52:01 UTC
Aww, no problem, love! I do enjoy reading and do try and support by commenting, though I can't always think of anything to say. Which I know is stupid because I know even just saying I've read it is enough, but that's how it goes... *g*


filthgoblin December 31 2011, 14:19:30 UTC
Fabulous. And the Brighton ref tied it in to SH2, which I went to see yesterday :)


karaokegal December 31 2011, 21:36:48 UTC
I couldn't resist Brighton, since I knew it made sense either way. Thanks for reading and commenting.


damigella_314 December 31 2011, 23:05:24 UTC
"except maybe the love of his life."
Sentences like this are why I read every line you write, whatever fandom (or RPF) it may be.



karaokegal January 6 2012, 04:28:43 UTC
Thanks, sweetie. If the BBC Sherlock series gets shown in your neck of the woods, you should definitely give it a gander.


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