"The Fix" Torchwood drabble Jack/John, Jack/Gwen, (reference to Jack/Ianto) Rating-G

Dec 31, 2011 13:16

Title: The Fix
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Captain John Hart, Jack/Gwen (reference to Jack/Ianto)
Rating: G
Warnings: Subversion for one of the radio plays.
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 365. WE MADE IT! Dedicated to beta_goddess and all the real!Jack believers. This was our year. Beta by book_junkie007. Comments and concrit welcome ( Read more... )

drabble-a-day 2011, jack/gwen, jack/ianto, torchwood, jack/john, drabble, real!jack

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Comments 22

samstjames December 31 2011, 21:48:14 UTC
That's a nice one!
And congrats on finishing your drabble project!


karaokegal January 13 2012, 22:41:53 UTC
THANK YOU! That was one that desperately needed to be written. Thanks for going on the journey with me.


talkingtothesky December 31 2011, 22:43:51 UTC
Ohhh, Jack. Always the player. ♥

Oh, but really, well done to you. *salutes and admires*


karaokegal January 13 2012, 22:42:24 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I needed to end the year with an affirmation of real!Jack.


photoash December 31 2011, 23:10:35 UTC
Congrats on finishing your project!!

what an interesting idea :) I hadn't thought about the show like that!


karaokegal January 13 2012, 22:43:19 UTC
Thanks! It was crazy thing to do, but I did prove it can be done.

The radio play was utter twaddle and a "fix-it" was definitely required.


damigella_314 December 31 2011, 23:34:13 UTC
HIP, HIP, HIP, urrà! (that's the Italian spelling)
Congrats on completing your project! (not sure whether I'm more sad of missing my daily kgal fix, or enthusiastic about the longer stories you'll be able to write).


karaokegal January 13 2012, 22:44:08 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I really appreciate all your support (and the occasional typo catch) along the way.


book_junkie007 January 1 2012, 00:18:54 UTC
You're done, congratulations!

High fives and hugs!


karaokegal January 13 2012, 22:44:33 UTC
Happy dancing! Thanks for all the support and some beta along the way.


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