All My Prompt Communities

Jan 24, 2012 20:44

This is a pimp post devoted to all the communities, drabble and otherwise, from which I used prompts during the drabble-a-day project. They could all use support and they all serve as awesome sources of inspiration.

consci_fan_moThree weeks of short stories of the sci-fi and fantasy kind, whether they be fanfiction or original works. The sort of stories you ( Read more... )

drabble-a-day 2011, pimping, drabble

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Comments 6

ladygray99 January 25 2012, 05:01:38 UTC
And whitecollar100 is thankful for your wonderful work and we hope to see more.


karaokegal January 25 2012, 05:05:36 UTC
I'm still decompressing, but I promise I'll be back.


ladygray99 January 25 2012, 05:07:01 UTC
:) totally understandable.


mad_jaks January 25 2012, 21:06:25 UTC
Ooooh! Photo prompt place *goes to look* I really need to get a writing head on soon. Although, I'd probably do better to start with a good, anonymous kink meme (but only when I have a working machine of mine own to write on - I feel icky writing on borrowed machines).

Also, 2 of those comms are 'my' places, which makes me all kinds of happy - even though I was so absent last year.


karaokegal January 25 2012, 21:08:37 UTC
I honestly couldn't have done it without the communities, both for prompts and for the expectation of some level of feedback. I think you'll like the photo_prompt community pictures. I wish they were getting more attention.

I feel bad about making myself scarce at all the fic comms, but I'm still in the decompression process.


mad_jaks January 25 2012, 21:26:33 UTC
Totally, totally, understandable. You worked your ass off.


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