Round 143 - Tie Breaker

Jun 03, 2011 13:55

I have to first say how excited I am to see some of our 'regulars' names back in the voting! I hope this means you'll be submitting icons again in the upcomeing rounds. I also have to say that were were a bunch of new names in the voting as well! I also hope that means you'll be joining us. I'd love to see this community pick up back where it was - or go even further.

And...while we are talking about where we were, there's another reoccuring theme this week...I have ties to be broken. :) We have ties for our 1-3 places. So if you'd take a moment and vote here, I'll be able to get your winners and banners up ASAP for you.

When voting please remember to not vote if your icon is included, and please don't ask others to vote for you.

Pick ONE for Best Icon:

Pick ONE for Best Icon:


Also, don't forget that round 144 is already open. So far we have 0 icons submitted. Remember you have nothing to lose! There is no voting in this round, just lots of love! You can find all the information on this special round and submit your icons HERE at the original Entry

*round 143, theme: redo, !tie-break

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