(no subject)

Apr 18, 2010 16:26

I've spent far too much time spent thinking about dishwashers lately.  We're thinking about replacing our elderly and Loud dishwasher.  This is mostly spurred by the government's appliance program.  (Look! It's doing what they want it to do.)   But I'm being a bit frustrated by how limited the choices are if I want the rebate.  We're currently looking at two Kenmore models.  One is eligible for the rebate.  Pre-rebate, it is currently ~$300 (#1345)  The other is ~$400 (#1389).  With the rebate, the $300 will cost ~$50.  Both would cost the same to get delivered and installed.  I like the $400 one better.  It has a larger bottom rack, fold down tines in a couple places, is 57dB instead of 60dB when running, and feels a bit less cheap.  But I'm having trouble convincing myself it's $350 better.  I would happily believe it's $100 better if the rebate weren't involved.  Ugh.  At least the yard is pretty and everything is starting to turn green.  I'd rather be working in the yard though.  Maybe it will stop raining tomorrow and I can take advantage of my holiday.
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