As you know, work has swallowed me pretty much whole. But I'll touch briefly upon the whole Roman Polanski thing.
In short, there are times when I wonder what much of Hollywood has been smoking. If the reaction to Polanski's arrest over outstanding issues relating to his conviction for getting drunk, drugging, raping and sodomising a 13 year old girl when he was in his early 40s doesn't demonstrate the dire dangers of living in an echo chamber, then I don't know what will.
The notion that this man should be given a pass because he's got a bit of talent so boggles my mind I can't begin to articulate it. We, the so-called 'creative class', are no more intrinsically special than the local plumber, checkout chick or garbage collector. In fact, our lives would fall apart without these people. Our lives would not fall apart without Hollywood -- or stories in general.
Shame, shame, shame. How shameful you are, you who signed the petition to say this man should not be accountable for his actions.
To counterbalance that,
you can sign this petition to make clear that no, artistic talent does not and can never excuse the rape of a child.