I was a huge Trekkie as a kid. My family watched TNG together all the time, and I remember being inspired and amazed nearly every single week. By ten, I could name every single episode and tell you what happened in it, shared a set of action figures with my brother that quite often were featured in videotaped "episodes" that I really do have to
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Comments 15
I also had major hots for Dr. Crusher, while Deanna Troi did absolutely nothing for me or my nether regions. When I was in Bosnia, Gates McFadden came to our base camp on a USO tour, and I got a picture with her. It was a total moment of geekitude for me.
TNG was very much a product of its time, and of an aesthetic that no longer exists. So, I think our differently-wired brains can appreciate it for what it was, and find enjoyment, even, but it wouldn't be made the same way today. In some ways, that would be a good thing. In other ways... no. No way.
The female characters on TNG, now that I look back at it, were written kind of thinly. Troi never was anything more than window-dressing (and bad window-dressing at that) and Dr. Crusher, while being a doctor and awesome and all that, could have been better. I mean, she was a single mom, a *medical doctor* and was good enough to work on the best ship in the fleet!
... ah, women in SF. Another conversation entirely ...
I have mentioned Wiscon before, haven't I? :-)
But yeah, I so lost interest a few years ago. I don't even know why. DS9 was actually really good, and Ronen is one of the few people for whom Voyager is a favorite incarnation. We had a Voyager finale party (three people in a room and one over IM, haha) in college, and I even saved the chat. I'm sure it makes no sense now. Hell, I have a cat named T'Pol because we were actually into Enterprise at the time. Er...wow.
One of the options for something to watch last night while I was bored was TNG, and my reaction was "Meh." :(
But that teaser...damn, I'm actually excited! I LOVE that I'm excited! Hee.
I ended up seeing some Enterprise reruns on cable a year or two ago, and it didn't pique my interest. I think my own aesthetic had moved on from what they were doing, and what they were doing was slam-bang stuck in 1994, with better technology.
For me, Battlestar Galactica is what Voyager should have been. I was never able to suspend my belief with Voyager -- whether it was about the shuttles, or the petty interpersonal matters when, dude, you should be running out of food or medicine or something. The urgency was just not there, and I think that was a major failing of the show in my eyes.
They also ruined Janeway, and wrote her completely wrong the entire time, but that's another conversation.
But I'm excited about this. Yay!
That trailer hit every note just right. Yes. I may have to watch this movie -- and I don't watch movies, hardly ever, so that is saying a lot.
Every note.
Because let us not forget: The original series was near-future science fiction, branching off right as the Apollo program was winding down or thereabouts. And that is there in that trailer, every bit of it, played right.
We need some more near-future SF, methinks.
I hope this movie proves me wrong and is a spectacular addition to the ST universe, but I won't be holding my breath.
If it makes you feel better, the actors have said that one of their biggest priorities was to emulate the portrayal of Shatner, Nimoy, etc. Zachary Quinto has said that if you forget it's him playing Spock and start thinking it's a young Leonard Nimoy, he's done his job. Of course, this could backfire spectacularly.
Also, Babylon 5: indeed fabulous. I totally want to be Ivanova when I grow up. (Scratch that: I want to be Delenn when I grow up.)
Yes! Delenn's incredibly smart, takes the big risks, kicks some serious Shadow butt and then gets the hot guy at the end. Ivanova was neat, but Delenn was fantastic. I have a few quibbles with how she was written towards the end of the series (i.e., once she married Sheridan, she kind of lost her brain, and I was not cool with that).
The other thing I really enjoyed about B5 was its steadfast refusal to have anything remotely related to sexual tension between Ivanova and Sheridan. It was just... awkward when it came up. Still is.
I could geek about B5 until I am blue in the face.
Also, Ace. I need to see some Ace DW episodes. That's Ace in your icon, right?
Yes, that is Ace, for she is my HERO. There was a lengthy period of my childhood when the only Doctor Who to which I had access was about three Ace & Seven episodes, and I really really imprinted on them.
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