1. If you want to, leave me a comment saying "Interview me".
2. I'll respond by asking you five questions.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.
Questions from
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Comments 10
I could totally envision the judge slapping his thigh! TOO FUNNY!
Interview me?
1. If you could choose one gift/ability that you do not currently have or a gift/ability you have but would vastly improve - what would that gift / ability be?
2. What is your favourite memory of Zach and Girly?
3. What colour of Crayola crayon are you?
4. Will you auction your dreads on eBay? If so how much are they worth (in your opinion)? :)
5. What's your strangest quirk / habit?
The Judge concerned, on discovering his mistake, more or less slapped his thigh exclaiming: "Extraordinary! Extraordinary!"
That is my favourite for sure XoD SO funny.
Pick me! Pick me! *bounces*
2. If your house was burning down which 2 items of your earthly possessions would you save?
3.Sorry to copy, but if you were to inhabit one literary work what character would you be?
4. If you were to change your career what would you be?
5. The UK is struck by tea rationing! *Shock* What will you drink now?!!
Yet I will refrain. I have resisted this interview meme so far, but I have decided that you are the chosen one to interview me!
Here's some questions:
1. What is your happiest memory?
2. If you could choose to be a well known historical figure, who would you choose to be and why?
3. What is your favourite footwear and why? e.g. heels, boots, trainers, sandals or even bare feet. Rank by love rather than comfort :)
4. You live in England. What do you miss most about Scotland and why?
5. If you could transport yourself anywhere in 2 seconds by clicking your fingers where would you go and why?
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