The horses that have been living on our meadow have now moved back home, but their humans would like to come back next year. Then they would like to use the other meadow as well
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We have new neighbours. They are not quite the usual kind: they live on one of our meadows, and are two large brown horses called Arre and Mysan
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Weather: Almost perfect shooting weather, could have been a little less windy
Archers: Me and M. Not sure where everyone else was
Shot: More than I have since March
Points: Didn't count. I did realise why I haven't put on the sight though -- it's because it doesn't fit on the the bow. Or the screws don't. There may be some other screws somewhere
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I went out and picked a couple of stones from the garden (we have that kind of garden). Then I made a fire, put the stones in it, waited a while, took them out and put them in a pot of water
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