I think I'm still in a bit of shock over the events of the past couple of weeks. Between the seemingly unthinkable event of Lucius Malfoy getting off and then the poisoning of John Fleecer... I just don't know what to think anymore. I really don't. People's behaviour should not come as a shock to me anymore, but every time I think I've seen it all...
I only hope they get it right with Macnair's trial, whenever that actually is, now. And I know the man has a wife, and daughters, which will no doubt get him a sympathy vote from some, but shouldn't you think about these sorts of things before engaging in the sort of behaviour he's being accused of?
Whatever. It's early (or late, whichever way you look at it), I can't sleep and I have to be at the Ministry in a little over three hours.
I hate Mondays.