What about that bridge in the Puget Sound that wasn't structurally sound, and collapsed during a storm? That might be cool to them.
Just a cool note: One of our bridges (Portland has like eleven) was designed by the same man who did the Brooklyn Bridge. They actually look fairly similar.
Great Pyramids, Great Wall of China, some Mayan temples, Parthenon, State Capitol in Austin, the Pantheon in Rome (I think it's the oldest domed building in the world), Taj Mahal, British Parliament, St. Louis Arch, some German/Austian castle, Razorback Stadium ;)
I'm not crazy, just sitting here with a wide-awake baby trying to make him sleep and thinking of interesting architecture.
I think it would be dangerous. I don't exactly live in a pro-LDS area. I am the only LDS teacher at my school, and there are exactly 3 LDS students (out of 2500).
For the same reason, I won't put up pictures of other religious buildings unless there is a heavily documented historical basis for them being in the classroom. (Like Westminster Abbey, which is a church, but is also the location for all of the royal coronations for the United Kingdom.)
Comments 11
Oh, and maybe the Colisium (how do you spell that?!) or the Aquaductin Rome. Since it is wicked old.
Just a cool note: One of our bridges (Portland has like eleven) was designed by the same man who did the Brooklyn Bridge. They actually look fairly similar.
I'm not crazy, just sitting here with a wide-awake baby trying to make him sleep and thinking of interesting architecture.
I hope Dean didn't keep you awake too long!
For the same reason, I won't put up pictures of other religious buildings unless there is a heavily documented historical basis for them being in the classroom. (Like Westminster Abbey, which is a church, but is also the location for all of the royal coronations for the United Kingdom.)
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