It's April 15th and you know what day that is...Ginger's birthday! (and something to do with taxes and teabags) I've posted some Giggy pics under the cut, all taken while he was standing on his favouritest evar kitty scratching post (read: my suitcase, which is parked about five kitteh feet from his actual kitty scratching post).
First, a nice montage of Giggy and his inability to look at the camera/stay still for five seconds:
Finally got a semi-good one:
Awww, lookit him; doesn't look a day over 5 years old. *pokes*
Also, the first one I took would've been significantly less creepy had I not had the flash on:
Just kidding, he's adorable.
AND bonus, check out the pic I found on my camera whilest uploading them to my computer:
Brent Spiner, about 30 minutes away from my meeting him last summer. :D
Oh, and since I'm making one of my rare, y'know, actual posts, I'm going to pimp my cousin's website:
Shannon Lee Briggs.comShe's a country singer and her album is coming out really soon, so be sure to check it out.